Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Dall-e generated image: Frustrated daughter slamming fridge door on mother's head during argument.

Pt 2: Slamming my Moms Head in the Fridge

Date: 3/7/2019

By blucanary

Continuation of the dream I had earlier. I went back to sleep and had this little dream (it was short bc my man jumped out of bed and woke me up). My friend Cynthia and my mum had come over (I was still at the party house). There were 2 couches in an L-shape. Cynthia was on one couch close to the end near the other couch and I was on the other couch facing the kitchen, on the end furthest away from everyone else Clint [from the 1st dream] was also on the couch w Cynthia, in the middle spot (nearest the kitchen, furthest away from where I was sitting). My mom was in the kitchen talking to us (the kitchen was right next to the couches, closer than the tv was even! So close that if she and Clint had both stretched out their arms they cd probably touch one another). Mum was talking abt me moving to Ohio soon. Cynthia said she lives in the next town over from where I was moving and Mum said we cd visit one another and hv sleep overs. Cynthia said "That'd be great! I'll get to see her more in one night then than I hv in the past 6 yrs here" and laughed! My mum then went on to something else. While she was talking abt meaningless stuff I was picking at a cple hairs on my arm. My mum gets mad after a minute and claims that I never listen to her. I tell her she's wrong. She insists that I dont listen her to Cynthia amd Clint, and I kindof laugh saying,"Yes, I do, you just want me to stare into your eyes as you speak, otherwise you get upset and say I'm not listening"! Im still playing w those arm hairs trying to pull them out w my fingers, lol. My mum gets really angry at this remark and shows it, claiming Im lying blah blah blah. I now stop pulling at my arm hairs and get angry as well! "Are you kidding me?! Yes you do! If I'm not staring straight at you when you talk then you get angry! You act as if ppl are incapable of hearing you if they're doing ANYTHING other than staring right at you"!!! She then told me how rude I was and said she was leaving. She got on her knees to grab a few things out of the miniature fridge that were hers. As she's grabbing her sodas or whatever she says she's going to call Grandma and tell her how rude I've been. This makes me real angry now! I know my mum well enough to know that she'll exaggerate the story, or just straight up lie (though in her mind it isnt actually a lie.. It's as if she sees things that are happening and her brain automatically twists it into something worse, so she believes what she's saying when she exaggerates the story to make herself the victim. Well, if she wanted to be the victim, I wd help her out and make her the victim! I walk over to her to yell "Why do you always have to threaten to tell Grandma?!" I want to say that I want to be there when she tells her bc I want to make sure she doesnt lie, or so I can call her out when she does lie or exaggerate and say "Mum! You know it didnt happen like that" or something but I know even saying it is pointless. She wants to vent abt me and make herself look like the innocent victim so she wd never allow me to be there when she tells Grandma abt it. I of course wd call Grandma and tell her my version of the story (aka the truth) but my mums her daughter, and mums always had issues w me, the problem child, the black sheep, so of course Grandma will believe her. So as my mom's head is inside the fridge looking in the back for the rest of her stuff, I slam the fridge door! It somehow latches closed with her head in the way (the door isnt completely shut, it just is almost shut and latches so that it's difficult to open unless you pull in the right spot). She cant get the fridge open in the position she's in and I cant believe it actually latched like that! I open the fridge door for her thankful that it didnt break her neck, but still p----ed off. At least I got to see that whole scene before Al woke me up! Lol!

AI generated interpretation This dream is a continuation of the previous dream you had, where you were in a party house with various people, including your mother and a friend named Cynthia. The dream scenario takes place in a cozy and familiar setting, with conversations happening amongst the individuals present. The dream reflects underlying tensions and conflicts within your relationship with your mother. The discussion about you moving to Ohio soon could symbolize a significant change or transition in your life that may be causing stress or anxiety, particularly in relation to your family dynamics. Cynthia's comment about not seeing you much in the past 6 years suggests a feeling of distance or disconnect in your relationships that may be weighing on you. The interaction between you and your mother in the dream highlights a pattern of communication difficulties and misunderstandings. Your mother's frustration about feeling unheard and your own frustration about not being able to meet her expectations or communicate effectively are evident in the dream. The imagery of you picking at your arm hairs during the conversation may symbolize a sense of discomfort or unease in the situation. The threat of your mother calling your Grandma to report your behavior reflects a dynamic where your mother may resort to involving others in conflicts or disagreements as a way to exert control or seek validation for her perspective. Your reaction to this threat, wanting to ensure your side of the story is heard and understood, illustrates a desire for fairness and transparency in your interactions with your mother. The climax of the dream, where you slam your mother's head in the fridge out of frustration, represents a powerful expression of anger and resentment towards her. This action could symbolize a desire to assert yourself or set boundaries in response to feeling overwhelmed or overpowered in your relationship with your mother. The relief and disbelief you feel at the end of the dream when the situation is diffused without harm may indicate a subconscious need to confront and address these intense emotions in a safe way. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your unconscious thoughts and feelings regarding your relationship with your mother, highlighting the need for open communication, boundaries, and understanding in order to navigate and resolve underlying tensions. It may also suggest a need to address any unresolved emotions or conflicts in your waking life to promote greater harmony and mutual understanding in your relationships.