Date: 11/27/2016
By mrkost
My family and I lived in a mansion except my room was the same as it is now. We had two maids and a butler. Everyone was home except for my father that night. My mom, and one of the maids and I were in my room and we were talking about clothes. The maid was pale and was wearing a long button up sleeveless dress. She all of a sudden started turning transparent and her face turned contorted. I scream at the top of my lungs "It's a woman in a black dress!!!!!" I turned around and tried to run away but she stuck her finger inside my ear and started pulling me down the hallway and downstairs. We passed the phone and I reached and picked it up and tried to call my dad and tell him what was happening, but I accidentally dialed the wrong number so I gave up. My mom started yelling at me to get my sister Joy and myself out of the house so I screamed her name a few times. My dream ended with me running outside.