Date: 7/13/2018
By Secret&Mystical
I had a dream that I was out at my families house for a special dinner with a couple of my friends - Deena and Haider. Tía Cori was super prominent among my family members again. She was like hanging people plates and just getting close to me whenever she had a chance. My friends and I were having a good time but we wanted to leave so that we could go drinking and do other things that we couldn’t do at my family’s house. I was extremely excited and my heart was like pounding because apparently we were staying at a hotel for the night. I’ve had s crush on my one friend for the longest time and I was so excited that something could finally happen. We went to what seemed like a cabin. The new moon shined big and bright in the horizon. The wind felt so fresh and rejuvenating. It smelled like wet soil and whenever the wind touched my nose, it smelled like flowers. I was SO happy. He didn’t touch my hand or give me any type affection. However, I remember we were having an amazing conversation. His eyes glowed under the light of the moon and he was staring at me with such intensity. We talked for what seemed like hours and hours and then my boyfriend showed up. He stared at us while we talked and I knew it was wrong, but I did not want to stop looking into these beautiful eyes. In the back of my head, I was a little guilty. But at that precise moment, under the brightness of that amazing moon, amongst the hypnotizing smell of those beautifully flowers, I felt horribly and beautifully in love. This went on for a very long time, until we stared seeing intensely red fireworks. The fireworks seem to have disrupted the mood. I was seeing other people out in the woods as well now that the fireworks were up in the sky. At this moment my friends and I started walking away. I, all the sudden, felt a terrible itching sensation. Especially around my waist. At this moment, I saw my crush Haider scratching his back with such intensity. We looked at other other and there was a sense of worry. Someone started yelling “ants”!! And when I reached out to the the right side around my waist, ants started swarming from inside my skin!!! Little black ants were coming out at a bunch of different spots around my back ! I was trying to kill them. I would reach towards the front of my body and kill them all there. Then I would reach to the back of my body and kill them all there. I was going back and forth, back and forth and I just couldn’t keep up with how many ants were coming from under my skin!!! I wanted someone to help me and bring some tape to put in on my body so the ants couldn’t come out through my skin anymore or to pull all of them out. I was so desperate and sad and looking at haider scratch off his own ants, Is how I woke up.