The Eagle

Date: 9/23/2024

By Shonna

I dreamt that I looked up and saw a massive Eagle 🦅 flying over my head. I grabbed my cellphone and started to record it. The eagle noticed this and slowly flew down towards me. It got closer and closer until it tried to take my cellphone away with it's beak. I had to pull it away and hide it behind my back. The eagle wouldn't fly away until it had my cellphone. I was scared of it's talons and sharp beak, but it never hurt me. I noticed small scratches but I wasn't bleeding. It ended up laying in my lap like a domesticated animal and I pet it's head as it fell asleep.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, the eagle symbolizes power, freedom, and vision. Its massive size and commanding presence suggest that it represents a powerful force in your life. The act of grabbing your cellphone and trying to record the eagle could indicate your desire to capture or document this power or sense of freedom. The eagle noticing your actions and flying down towards you may suggest that this powerful force is becoming more tangible and may be influencing you more closely in waking life. The eagle's attempt to take your cellphone away could symbolize a desire to control or possess your means of communication or connection to the outside world. Your resistance to the eagle taking your cellphone and hiding it behind your back may indicate a subconscious fear of losing control or being dominated by this powerful force. The eagle's presence may also symbolize a fear of the unknown or of being overpowered by something beyond your control. The scratches you notice on yourself but without any bleeding could suggest that although you may feel uneasy or threatened by this force, it is not causing you significant harm at this time. The act of the eagle laying in your lap and falling asleep could symbolize a sense of acceptance or taming of this force, suggesting that you may be finding ways to coexist with or harness its power in a more harmonious manner. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings about a powerful influence in your life, your efforts to maintain control and independence in the face of this influence, and your eventual acceptance or integration of this force into your psyche.