Princess and Baker's son

Date: 1/6/2020

By Yorkistgirl

Long long time ago in Ireland lived a beautiful princess. Her life was easy and happy, her home castle located near to a magical woods where fairies and spirits roamed. The magic folks were friendly and she spent plenty of time with them learning about the ways of nature and magic. When she reached her late teens, her parents the King and Queen decided that she should marry and produce an heir to the throne. So the King organised games where selected sons of the noble houses were supposed to compete against each other and the winner would have the princess. When the games begun all high born son failed and it seemed that none of them would be able to marry the princess. However among the commoners a young man appeared and asked if he would have a chance to try? The King was sure that the Baker's son would fail so he agreed. Against all odds the Baker's son succeeded and according to the rules he became a suitor for the princess. Her parents were shocked and the King hurried to delay the wedding so they would have more time to figure out how to get rid of this rabble boy. When the princess saw the Baker's son she fell in love with him and when nobody saw, she took him to the magic woods. There they got to know of each other and they both lost their virginity. The princess was worried if she would get pregnant, but the Baker's son said that he wants to be a father and if their lovemaking would produce a child he would be so happy to have one. Since they were in magic dimention, the pregnancy lasted only a week and the fairies helped the princess to give birth and they had a healthy baby boy. However they were still worried about if the royal couple would allow them to wed, they decided to leave the baby to the fairies and come to pick him up after the wedding. Unfortunately they forgot to give their son a babtism, so when the Lich Queen heard that there was a pagan human baby in the near by woods, she decided to cause harm to him. She hated the royal family and their subjects and when she managed to get her hands on that baby she named him as a Frog and his skin turned poxy and green. His eyes turned black and sharp teeth grew to his mouth. This monster toddler sneaked to the royal palace and was about to kill his mother and father, but the Baker's son managed to capture him and drew a cross on his son's forehead. "In the name of the Father, the Son and the holy Spirit, I will name you Joshua." The Baker's son said and right away the evil spell was broken by the God. When the princess saw what kind of danger she had put her son, she refused to return him to the fairies and demanded her parents to allow her and the Baker's son to marry. The royal couple were horrified that their daughter had produced a bastard with a peasent, but the Queen saw an oppourtunity in the situation. The kingdom finally had a male heir so the princess was no longer needed. Right away since she had disgraced her parents like this she was stripped her royal title and sent to a nunnary. And the Baker's son got a public whipping.