This one happened at England. There was this political figure a MP a very ambitious man, he wanted to reach even higher status and was campaining hard t...
Long long time ago in Ireland lived a beautiful princess. Her life was easy and happy, her home castle located near to a magical woods where fairies and...
I had a terrible nightmare. I was in my own funerals and the priest who was speaking beside of my coffin told awful lies about me. My mother was crying ...
Once again I saw a dream about Jack Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy. It was summer and they were again young men and they were having some sort of competition...
Two games in one dream. I was in a huge chess board with man sized pieces. King Richard lll was sitting on the knight piece and while he played chess wi...
I was standing at fresly dug grave and an undertaker was being laid to rest. He was in a white coffin and his wife and children were crying. After the c...
I was in nursing home and there were plenty of old people around me. Then all the sudden King Richard appeared and started to wash the feet of the old p...
I saw King Richard lll singing the song called Hellfire from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. And as he sung a pair of black wings and horns grew out f...
I was in the Oval office and President John F Kennedy was sitting behind of his desk. Two male members of his staff had been caught from romantic act an...
I dreamed that Richard lll the King of England tested new kind of astral projection. He covered his eyes with soft cloth and laid down on the bed and re...