I know a lot ab you

Date: 4/24/2021

By rubslug

Lil Taylor and I have been out and they are drubkkk. Lillian sleeps in the car, I don’t want to be at tAylors long. I’m just stopping by. I can’t recall all that happensns inside her house — only that I quickly become v embroiled in the family and the dad seems obsessed w me. He’s Ttractkve and I don’t notice at first that his wide eyed puppy dog innocence is twinged with total insanity . I’m flirting voluntarily , then he’s following me around the house and collapses on top of me. At first it felt like real flirting cuz he did it out of sight of Taylor and he’d siblings, now when he did it right in front of her alarm flags went offs I allowed it because I am terrified it will become a rape if I struggle , and by this method manage to squiggle away before anything horrible happens bc of chaotic events. Taylor tells me she is high on acid , and I realize something is v v wrong hereZ she’s saying “I went into the other room and saw happy clouds in the ceiling so ! I started laughing...” I start having that trippy feeling of being around someone totally out of it. More worrying things happen — I’m trying to leave but Taylor won’t listen to me. I have the sense that i need her to come with me — maybe so that she too is safe from her dad. Lots is being said ... he’s irate with her. I whisper to her that I want to go home she’s fighting i.t.. I say I have to. She says is it my dad? I nod and she is apologetic.. knows what I’m talking ab I’m desperTe. Back to the car I wake lil up. I said we are leaving . She’s like hmm? Can we just stay I’ll sleep out here if there’s no room inside. I said we need to go now. It is not safe. She laughs at me, I know it’s not. I’ve been in trailer parks before Ruby’. I’ll be fine. Wideeyed I lean in as close as I can and whisper it’s not that’s it’s not that. Something. Happened . At that moment her dad is outside..... then he shoots . Taylor collapses Lillian and I stand mute waiting to die. Instead he gets 2 pieces of yellow paper and asks us to write a review of his play — play we have NOT seen but we write glowing comments. The papers may have also beeen reports of the crime to give to police. He’s babbling the other kids are crowding around us... one old one is sort of the dads sidekick / heavy . “God damn.. god damn. That bad huh. Look at all that pretty writing on the walll.” He’s fucking crazy lunatic We are very good actresses. Know how to act unsurprised and casual when iud sends us off to drive down to the station and give the statements . We see like yup yup. He begins to say “i didn’t mean to pull anything on ya yknow I didn’t have any kindsa thoughts ...” “where you going? Bar hill?” He called the station some bing like this and I couldn’t remember so I Just agreed. We are in the car windows down and I’m ready. At the moment I agree his disposition changes. Wrong answer — he’s been trying to trick me into showing i wasn’t going where he wanted after all. He said “ynow, i know a lot ab you...” at the same moment I put my keys in the ignition and a thought flashes before me. I look down and it’s true. My lights had been on the whole time — my battery was drained. Dream cuts abruptly Terrifying