Date: 9/17/2024
By nicolezdzieba
I’m standing in line outside of a building with Renee and Adam Lambert. I’m talking about how when Adam was on American Idol, my best friend and I used to call him “Lamby” and say that it was “Lamby time” (Jordyn and I really did this). He finds this all funny, so I say, “We were so sure you were gonna win! But then…” I make an awkward face to suggest my disappointment that he didn’t expecting him to laugh, but he doesn’t. I suddenly feel bad for bringing it up. At some point, Renee and I end up in the building, which turns out to be some sort of bakery. Blake is now with us. I watch as the man behind the counter pours some sort of mixture into a pan and almost instantly turns it into what looks like a fruit cake. He starts putting some sort of glaze on top. The girl beside him is making a giant scoop of salted caramel ice cream for Blake and Renee without even asking what they want, and she says, “For my friends!” I realize she knows their order because they apparently come here a lot. I ask Blake how often he drops by and he says that he comes in whenever he’s working. I suddenly remember that this is super close to where they live, even though I know we’re in New York City … I’m in what appears to be a hotel room with a small Asian woman, my dad, and Rose. The Asian woman talks about voodoo and then says something about how “Haitians are rapists.” I’m very taken aback by this comment — particularly because most Haitian guys I’ve known are really nice — and pause to figure out how to respond when my dad answers for me. He goes on about how you can’t judge people based on where they come from and tells a story of how I guy he knew when he was young would have sex with animals. He explains that he liked the guy until he found that out. I’m confused as to how this relates to what was said, but realize that he’s trying to suggest that sexual perversion is everywhere.