Attacked by Bats

Date: 4/1/2018

By belle7244

My mom was driving me down this same road, over and over for some reason, but each time it got worse and she kept assuring me we were fine. I didn’t believe her. Suddenly we pulled up to this hill area with a plate of cookies at the top and four paths to get up to them: two dirt paths and two sets of metal stairs. The rest of my family was there and an old woman. My brother and sister were already at the top. The lady had asked my dad for help. He said ok and started to go up a set of stairs. The lady walked on the grass. I followed. She went under the railing and onto the other set of stairs. I still followed. We got to the top. Somehow my mom had gotten up before us. We talked for a bit. My dad began walking down the stairs. The old lady followed but my dad didn’t notice. Once at the bottom, my dad walked away as the old woman reached her hand out to him to balance herself. She fell and finally my dad noticed her behind him. They got into a huge argument over whose fault it was. My mom and I left. We were walking home from something down unfamiliar roads. We talked and laughed and had fun. Suddenly it got dark. We turned on our phone flashlights but they didn’t work too well. A bat swooped past our heads. “Are these the kind of bats that bite?” My mom wondered. Another bat flew by with its teeth showing. “Yes they are.” We ran from where we were in the middle of the road to the sidewalk but there were so many bats there. We swatted at them as they cake out of the pitch black sky and into our small lit up areas, their teeth flashed and some even seemed to hiss. Miraculously, neither my mom nor I got bitten. We ran into one of the houses next to us and turned on the lights. To the right of the foyer, there was a living room with wood panel walls and ceilings. After walking through the foyer, there was a regular kitchen. Then, in a room to the right, we opened the door and saw a playroom painted a dull lighter blue. After we looked through the door for a minute, bats flew at our faces. We slammed the door shut before they could get to us and ran back into the living room. There were three couches and a tv. We sat on the backs of the couches and tried to catch our breaths. We saw a little girl walk down the stairs and stomp towards us. She dragged us back into the playroom and locked the door. She pushed us down so we were sitting on the carpet floor. She began to yell at us as bats began to swarm at us. We couldn’t stand up and run. The bats kept swarming us and the girl just watched. Suddenly, it wasn’t quite that dream anymore, but I was still in that room. It was the same exact room except an entrance to a stage. I was in all black clothes. I was in stage crew again (our show irl just ended so I miss it a lot). All of the other crew members were there. I joined their circle and talked with them. I guess I still remembered the bat thing because I seemed uneasy. A friend pulled me aside and brought me towards the entrance to the stage. People were performing or practicing a show I can’t remember. He wrapped asked if I was alright and I said I was ok. We watched the cast for awhile, talking every now and then. I felt so happy I ended up thinking “this isn’t a dream. This has to be real.” Suddenly, the dream changed again and I was back to running from and swatting at bats in the night, except I was with five other people—none were my mom—who were also all dressed in black and I think I was myself in a different person’s body because my voice sounded like a guy’s voice. We all ran into the house and sat in the living room to catch our breaths. I’m not sure why we were in all black, we weren’t in crew. None of these people were crew members. The girl came down the stairs and forced us into the playroom. She made us stay sitting on the floor in two rows of three as she left the playroom to get something. There were no bats this time. I got up and went into a smaller part of the room with some wooden drawers and I yelled, “no! I’m not doing this again!!” (which is weird because I didn’t seem to be the same person I was when my mom and I broke into the house earlier in the dream). She came back in with two teal tennis rackets. Suddenly, I was watching myself as a third person narrator would. She yelled at him/me and he scurried back over to the rows of people. The wall I was against blocked me from seeing the rows of people on the ground, but I could still see the girl. She whipped a tennis racket at him/me hard and I heard him scream. I can’t remember anyone’s faces except for my family’s faces, the old woman, and the one guy.