Crashed 2cars

Date: 10/8/2020

By jadeskies

So I invited three guy friends to go out to eat with me and one or two girls for my birthday. Half of them wore really Mexican suits lmfao then we went to this brandy Melville ish store and went shopping for a bit. Then we are burgers together kind of silently. Then I escaped the party and somehow ended up in savannas neighborhood but across the street lived Julius arroyo I think. And he and his parents were outside arguing about college. Then i get in this car and staff driving and crash it immediate after swerving random weird problems in the road. Then I get all upset and worried and I’m confronted by whoever owns the car. And then I get in the people I babysit ford car and literally crash that too. I Texted Alex bc I had no one else to turn to and said I needed help. He said “with what? Removing any articles of clothing? ;) my balls” the last part made sense in my head don’t question it lol. And I was like. Fuck I wish I had balls rn to sell and while I waited for him and tries fighting out what to tell him, I started swinging around this construction zone down the road and lkteg just being Tarzan on the Metal boning of this building