Date: 3/30/2017
By amandalyle
"I don't think this is going anywhere!" My husband said. I was shocked. I thought things were going great in our relationship and then my husband drops this bombshell. I start crying and begging him to rethink his decision. I'm so stressed about it all, so much so, my eyelashes start falling out. They fall into my hand... "and now I look hideous, too!" I thought. Next scene; I was in a furniture shop with my mum. It was one that was slightly out of town. There were loads of lovely things, but I couldn't find anything that I actually needed. Outside, I saw a dodgy man. My eyes followed him into what looked like an American-style ranch. He was running after this old man. I didn't realise he had a knife until the old man hit the floor. "Holy crap! I've just witnessed a murder!" I said to my mum. Next scene; I was in the garden doing a bit of digging. I was trying to make a little pond. The more I dug, the more water I found. There was a tiny little turtle - blue in colour. I called my kids in excitement. "Look at this tiny turtle!" I beamed. But they didn't seem so enthusiastic. "He's so cute! I want to keep him!" I thought.