First paralysis in probably two years

Date: 9/4/2019

By DevaJu5395

I was riding in the backseat of my boyfriends car, I think we had just dropped my son off at school which is why I was sitting in the back. As we were heading back to our house, I started experiencing extreme vertigo and began panicking. My boyfriend looked back at me as we were pulling into the driveway and said, "Why don't we just go for a nice drive? That'll make you feel better..." but could barely finish the sentence because I was yelling, "No! I need to get OUT!" So he helped me out of the car and as we are walking to the side door of the house, he made some remark about it being the year 2027. We had one of those silly tin man things made out of recycled cans and stuff, and as soon as he said something about the year, the man turned and greeted us and it just freaked me out further and I made some remark that the only difference between now and 2027 is that all of our shit is alive. At this point I realized I was dreaming and became worried that I had slept in, and I needed to get out of this weird dream anyway. I tried opening my eyes but I just couldn't, and that smothering sensation of heaviness sitting on my chest began to terrify me. I started yelling "wake up!" But I knew my mouth was not physically moving and I was overwhelmed with the feeling of helplessness. I thought I opened my eyes enough to see my phone and that my alarm hadn't gone off yet, but that didn't make any sense because you have to touch the phone for the screen to come on and I could not move. I tried moving my legs instead of my eyes, and finally I could feel myself moving but it was so hard to pry my eyes open that I gasped for air when I finally awoke, like I had been drowning. My alarm indeed had not gone off yet. I was buzzing with dmt and I could feel the dream pulling me under but I couldn't let it, not because the dream itself was scary but because I was afraid of not being able to come out of it again. Finally my alarm went off.