Date: 5/27/2020
By amandalyle
My daughter was playing up again. I had found her littering my bed in crumbs, whilst watching the Kardashians. I told her that she should NOT be in there and that I was the only person who could make crumbs in MY bed. She didn’t like this at all. She started throwing a huge tantrum and threatened to leave home. Maxi (her brother) started sobbing as he had overheard the hostile exchange. I got so angry, I lost my shit and screamed right in her face. (I would never do this in real life, I’m way too meek and mild.) She seemed genuinely shocked at what I had just done, grabbed her stuff and stormed out. I suddenly felt a crushing guilt. Maybe I was too harsh? Next scene; I was walking along this canal path with my mum and she was telling me that she kept passing out. Up to 20 times a day. I told her she really ought to see a doctor about this. We walked past this lovely cottage. There was a young(ish) couple doing some work up on the roof. I recognised the guy as my friends brother (Liam) My mum bizarrely asked if they had a bin they were giving away(?!) They gave my mum a strange look and replied; we do, but it’s filled with dirt. I told my mum not to worry about it. She could pick up a bin anywhere and, quite frankly, she was making a bit of a fool out of herself ... asking random folk for a bin?! Next scene; I was at this service station. Someone was trying to land a plane, in the carpark, but kept crashing. This seemed to be your completely normal everyday kind of occurrence. No one even batted an eyelid. Even I didn’t think this was weird? I went into the shop and spotted this coconut drink. For some reason, I started drinking it before I had bought it. A try before you buy, if you like? It was bloody delicious. It came with a big cup and if you paid a one off fee, you could get refills for only 94 pence. I took it up to the counter, where I bumped into this guy I knew from school (Tom F) For some reason, he was being really overly familiar and we ended up holding hands as we walked out of the shop together(?!) I didn’t fancy him in any way. Never have. But it did feel intimate. Next scene; I was using this long tube attached to a hairdryer to curl my hair. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it turned my hair into a huge Afro. I gave up in the end. Next scene; I spotted my uncle john in town. He was acting a bit crazy. Like he had finally lost his last marble. I tried to hide amongst a crowd of people, but he spotted me. I attempted to make small talk with him, but he was completely gaga. He was speaking in riddles and just wasn’t making any sense at all.