Date: 2/21/2023
By leusid
Hi dream journal, sorry I haven't written in a while 💜💜💜 Okay so, let's see, what was just happening... We were looking at Lev's videogames that were seemingly all set in the same universe where everybody was a cute chubby fluffy character, and there was apparently a character who drives a tank around who sounded like Coop from work, and I pointed that out to Blix and she was like "ugh omg noo now that character is ruined for me". Also I said he was a tiger but I actually didn't feel confident about any of these claims, was I just making shit up in the dream based on what I thought I remembered? Also Blix was talking about how I was on tour (playing a sport?? Not sure), and how I was gonna do my gig, go home to go to the bathroom (which was like a bunch of hours away lol), and go dancing really quick. I feel like she was trying to reassure me that we were gonna have time to connect and talk, but I don't remember her actually saying that lol. Also I was thinking won't I be really tired with this whole plan? Am I really gonna wanna go dancing? Also couldn't I probably just go to the bathroom somewhere on the road? Lol ... Hmmm, earlier in the dream I found some toy or something that had a tiny bag of black tar heroin hidden in it, and I feel like I had this ongoing dilemma about whether i should try to sell it or just throw it away/destroy it. Lol, in my waking brain now I'm like obviously it would be in everyone's best interest including mine not to try to sell it, but in the dream I feel like I was mostly thinking about how it would be in others' best interest? Man, most of the dream has faded away already... That's what happens when I don't write down my dreams for a while :( i know there was soooo much more! Oh well..