Taylor swift turns into Nicki Minaj and I’m singing with them

Date: 2/13/2025

By thehumblegoddess

Dreamed Taylor swift asked me to come sing at her concert with her. I was so excited and knew this is the moment my life changed. I imagined making a video about manifesting singing with her and how I knew my 17k subscribers would be skyrocketing. I imagined telling everyone how I didn’t even intend for this, it was just a part of my blissful efforless life. When I got there she turned into Nicki Minaj we were at the jhud show n she was doing her walk through. For some reason I was naked and some guy there commented on how good I looked and I scooted away from him. I was then escorted by Mike pops to my makeup lady. She was extremely pretty in ethereal. Her highlighter was gorgeous. She then said if I was going to be a back up dancer I needed to be a man and that they were going to give me a thick Moustache and lips. I felt disappointed i would be a man but was already making the best of it in my mind. lol then I woke up.