Hungarian Farm

Date: 10/6/2019

By candy303

My parents decided to buy a farm in Hungary and move there. None of us spoke any Hungarian. The house was just two rooms, one downstairs and one upstairs, which was where i slept and also the storage room. One day my parents left for some reason and I was all alone. I decided to leave too and visit someone I knew somehow who lived a few farms down. I left all of our money in a plastic toy safe and walked out. The farms in that area were very neatly laid-out, with a house in front facing the road and a moderately sized field in the back. I walked on the field side, not on the road. I reached the house of the person I was visiting, and after talking to them for a minute or two, the person gave me a little pink tassel and said “don’t let the government see this”. I knew something about it was illegal, but I can’t remember what. When I got back to my farm, there were people all over the place, in the field and in the house. One of them said this was a routine government inspection. All of them were speaking Hungarian, which I didn’t understand, but I did notice that what they were saying had a ton of assonance (which is the only thing I know about Hungarian irl). I went inside and this lady started speaking to me in Hungarian. I pretended to understand and was nodding when she said “do you speak English?” in perfect English. I went upstairs with her, the whole time terrified that she would somehow notice the illegal pink tassel in my pocket. I checked the plastic safe where I had left all my money to make sure it was still there (it was) and then she went downstairs. While alone, I contemplated hiding the pink tassel somewhere, but then decided it would be safer to keep it on me. The woman came back and the roof lifted off the house, but neither of us were alarmed. I could see the entire farm and several neighbors’ houses. My parents came, and then Georgia and Bob (who were introduced as “Bob and his wife Georgia” even though I don’t even think the two of them ever met irl). Then Sol and Horacio showed up and started speaking Hungarian to each other.