1408/I AM GODS

Date: 10/11/2024

By blucanary

I was in a house. It was mine, but it didn't feel homey or comfortable. The entire house was a bluish gray and was dark. I needed to go to the bathroom, but I was scared. The one right next to me was haunted. When I used it, voices spoke to me, eerie visages appeared before me, cold unseen appendages touched & carassed me, sending shivers up and down my body. I refused to go in there. My husband, Al (except he was Jeremy from Studio C ), had fallen asleep sitting on the floor, up against the end of the bed watching television. There was no sound, but I saw the light from the tv dance across his face. "Al", I said in a loud whisper, "Al, I need to go to the bathroom". Without opening his eyes, he says back to me, "Then go. I don't care." "I need to go to the other one, across the house, but I'm scared. Please get up and walk me to the bathroom. Please Al! Please!" I was practically begging by the time I got to the end of asking him. As he got up and began to walk, obviously annoyed, he said he should make me use the bathroom outside. He went straight to the back door and opened it up. Outside was the same shades of bluish gray. It was the middle of the night, and snow was laying in heaps on the ground. Standing there barefoot & in a black tank top and tiny little black sleep-shorts, I kindof crossed my arms and ran my hands up and down them, trying to warm them from the sting of the outside air. I looked at him, confused. "I'm not.... I'm not going to the bathroom outside", I said, the confusion not only upon my face but also in my voice. He grabbed me unexpectedly by the arm, my petite frame being no match for his manly one, and quickly & forcefully tossed me outside. I was tossed with such force that my feet were flailing behind me, trying not to fall into the icy snow. As I caught my balance and turned around to face the door Al had slammed behind me, I found myself facing yet another bluish gray wall. A kitchen wall, with cabinets upon it. I wasn't outside at all. It felt very much like the horror movie '1408' with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. John Cusacks character, Mike Enslin, could not escape the hotel room. Even when he thought he had gotten out, he'd turn around or open a door, and realized he had never escaped it at all. At this moment, I realized this was the exact situation I was in. I would never be able to escape this house. I called for Al, but the house was empty; or at least was devoid of the living, myself being the exception. I knew I was on my own. He had never been there. I grabbed my head with one hand, and the round wooden table with my other. My hand touched the gifts I had bought for my cousin. They had been sitting there waiting to be wrapped. I looked at them. They both were paranormal themed. One was a zen garden, shaped like a coffin, with blood red sand and bones that formed a full skeleton within the sand. The other gift, the one my hand had touched, was a spirit. Made of ceramic, it's form was creepy. It's "body" sort of waved in and out, to and fro. It glowed from within, and looked as though it was soaring, high up in the sky. When I ordered these gifts, I had debated with myself. Was it wrong for me, a born-again Christian, to be buying and therefore financially supporting, a company that sells products of evil idols? Even if they aren't for myself, maybe I shouldn't be giving the likes of evil items to my loved ones. But it's just about the only things my family is into. It's definitely their favorite things. Its what they all collect. And even if I did get them something pertaining to God, it would just end up in the garbage. So I figured I would get them what they like, and top their gift off with a beautiful Godly card, and a business card-sized image of Jesus saving a man from hell. Suddenly, as my fingers still grazed this gift of a flying apparition or spirit or whatever evil thing it was, I had a vision. It felt so real. I was high in the sky, this evil thing above me and holding onto my foot. I'm upside down, trying to right myself. I'm in a u-shaped as I'm desperately trying to pull myself up and grab this things bony hand. Then.... it drops me. I'm falling through the foggy, bluish gray, night sky. My limbs flailing all about, my hair flying up all around my face and head. There's no help. I know that. Below me is water. More dark blue. I just cant escape these colors. Hitting the water from this high up and at these speeds will be like hitting concrete. It will kill me, at best, and at worst, paralyze me from the neck down. I feel myself falling faster and faster, the wind around me becoming painful; my life soon will be over, when.... I'm back at the kitchen table. It was just a vision, after all. I hadn't really been falling through the night sky towards my end.... or had I?! I hear a loud 'BING'. Startled, I look up. It's my phone, over on the bar. I grab it. There's an automatic emergency message. In a high-pitched males voice, it cheerily says, "Be sure to find dry ground!". I had been receiving these just days ago, when a hurricane was headed straight at us. But the hurricane was now over. I shouldn't be receiving these anymore. And seconds after a vision that felt so very life-like that I almost believed it to be real, of my falling too quickly towards water? That wasnt an accident. It wasnt a coincidence. It wasn't the emergency broadcasting system. It was this evil surrounding me. My phone 'BING'ed again. "Be sure to find dry ground!" And again. Over and over now, BING BING BING BING BING BING BING BING BING BING! Cheerily, "Be sure to find dry ground, Be sure to find dry ground, Be sure to find dry ground!" Again and again until I grab my head, trying to both keep the sanity in and cover my ears to keep that cheery mocking voice out! As I grab my head I start running and saying loudly, "I know I screwed up! I know I should have remained faithful, but I didn't! I'm so sorry! I could hv done such good things but I screwed up! I screwed up! It doesn't matter though, bc I'm back! I'm back now, and.." ( at this, I SCREAMED ), "I! AM! GODS!!!" I screamed so loud that I actually screamed irl. Al woke me, asking me what I was screaming for, and what I had been dreaming...