Date: 8/8/2024
By nicolezdzieba
I’m in line with my family for what’s supposed to be the Pirates of the Caribbean ride (it actually looks more like the queue for Haunted Mansion). Renee and I are both afraid to go on, so Brody and Blake walk ahead of us with the babies. I realize that I’ll miss out on seeing them on their first ride, so I decide to go on it. I push past people to get to Brody and Blake. As we continue walking, I end up in some sort of immersive, historical experience. I’m in what looks like a colonial style jail where animatronic soldiers stab animatronic children to death. There’s a voiceover explaining that eventually, the execution of children associated with pirates was seen as “too gruesome” and was stopped. I feel the urge to get my kids out of here as quickly as possible. I keep walking until I end up outside with a woman who apparently works with underprivileged youth … I’m standing outside some sort of fancy event when I make some kind of comment about what a crush I have on Harrison Ford when I see him — looking about how he did in his 50s — walking right by me. I’m immediately struck by how handsome he is and get all embarrassed. He smiles at me, and I see that he has entirely gold teeth. I’m confused by this, but smile back as we make jokes back and forth.