Digital art 4k scene from a movie: The protagonist finds themselves on a massive ship, navigating through various interactions with strangers, adopting new personalities, and ultimately witnessing a tragic death before the ship begins to sink in flames, leading to eerie theories of parallel dimensions and fateful outcomes.

Horror Ship (is that what that movie is called? Eh, good enough)

Date: 3/30/2019

By blucanary

~I was on a massive ship. I remember a guy hitting on me but I rejected him (I think I was in a class room ... I remember that first bit happening but I cant really see it anymore). Then as I walked into another classroom (this is all vivid from this point on) A big strong looking man with dreads and facial hair (dark blonde/light brown) hits on me as I was walking in with my books. I rejected him as well. I sat down and wrote a note for the first guy that hit on me. I included my number. I gave it to someone who was going past the other classroom to just put it somewhere in the classroom where that guy would see it (I think maybe those guys were teachers aids). The two guys were friends and I hoped it wdnt hurt the other ones feelings that I was now saying yes to the first guy. At this point I thought to myself "I wonder if I can date both of them using my different personalities"... But I immediately knew I couldnt. They wdnt understand that. ~That's more or less all there is w/ these guys. So next thing I know Im heading home (yes, still on the ship) I get to my place (it looks like a seperate house inside. Im telling you this ship is MASSIVE) Someone gives me a kitten. He's adorable, black & white and so small! (I'd say abt 8 wks, just old eough to leave his mommy). I carry him around with me everywhere. ~I remember my mum rearranging our house completely during the dream (the day after I got the kitten). Minor part but I like to include everything I remember. You never know what might actually be of significance. I also remember thinking "so that's why my room wasnt a wreck like I left it. She gathered everything up so she cd give me a different room" (everything was rearranged,& we were all given new rooms). ~ Next thing I remember Im sitting at the very very front of the ship, the pointy part of the front. I'm sitting there holding my kitty, there's a little girl right next to me (abt 5 hrs old) and a couple old people behind me. Behind them are some life boats so we're sitting in this tiny section at the very front. It's so close to the water we can reach in and touch it. The water's spraying onto us. Im holding onto the little girl so that she wont fall in. I start to realize how dangerous it is sitting here so I ask the little girl if she wd like to go find a different place to sit. She says no. Not even minutes later, she audibly gasps and I ask her what's wrong, what fell?! I need her to tell me immediately so I can jump in if I need to and try to grab whatever it is, but I know that every MILLISECOND it's getting closer to the bottom of the ocean and Im not a strong swimmer so she better hurry!!! Come to find it's a ring she's been playing with (just costume jewelry) w purple stones. I say to her "Well, if you had taken my advice and moved like I had JUST told you we shd do, then you wdnt have lost it". We all move after that. ~The little girl and the elderly go their own way. Im walking alone now. I'm going up red steps. They're the ones do I explain it? Stairs in your home are all connected...but like basement stairs you can look under bc they're NOT connected.. I cd draw it but that doesnt help right here... Anyway I see a booklet or a playbill or something Im interested in on a higher step. The way the steps are postioned, I can see through the gaps between the steps but I cant see the steps as a whole above me. I go to grab the playbill from between the gaps, but as a do, a young boy steps down from the step above it. I cdnt see the boy, and he didnt see me trying to stick my hand up, my hand accidently tripped him. He went tumbling down the red metal steps. I look at the young boy (abt 12 yrs old, in what appears to be a dark blue school uniform). He has brown curly hair and his face looks like Mikey from Stranger Things. I see blood start to appear beneath him, and then begin to drip onto steps below. I know he's dead. My other personality that I spoke of earlier now takes over. From my new personalitys perspective, he sees himself as a man. I look just like Will Ferell (I assume everyone else still sees me as me, a small-ish woman, long hair, wearing jeans and a tan-ish crop top, but I now see myself as Will Ferrell wearing fancy clothes). In my mind, I can almost see how this is going to play out. Eventually they'll find out that I'm to blame. And I'll confess (as Will Ferrell) crying and suddenly screaming out "IT WAS ME! I'M SO SORRY! I WAS SO AFRAID TO SAY ANYTHING"! I see it happening as if I have no say in how things play out, or maybe bc I know that the boy deserves to have the truth told. I just dont have the nerve yet to be honest. I really am scared. A little boy just died. And all bc I stuck my hand in between the metal stairs. I shd have been more careful! (I guess my Will Ferrell personality is taking the blame even though he appeared right after it happened)... ~ Next thing I know the entire ship is sinking. It seems like part of it is up in flames. Im now sitting on a rescue ship (as me, not Will) and the guy next to me looks...lost. Confused. He looks to me and says "I saw myself..still on that ship, I saw myself". He tells his story. He wears this unique very large hat, almost like an extremely oversized cowboy hat. Once he was safe in the rescue ship, he saw two men struggling to get off the sinking ship. They were stuck in a part of the ship that was at an odd angle. Bc of that, and bc of the way the ship was moving, the two men were going in a sort of "merry go round" movement. But he saw his hat. His one of a kind hat. And he knew it was him. He knew he had seen himself. Maybe himself from a dimension almost exactly likes ours, but in that dimension he doesnt make it off the sinking ship. That's the theory we come up with. Another man joins the conversation. He has that stunned yet confused look on his face exactly like the hat guy. He says that he was/is the other guy that was with him. He saw it too. But he saw it up closer somehow. He saw their faces and said that indeed it had been the two of them. Only this guy got to actually witness his death. Somehow the "merry go round" movements got so fast. They were holding hands going in a circle at such a speed that it actually killed them. It sounds kinda silly writing it down, but in the dream, it was like it ended with this horror story. It was just so...weird. Sad. Crazy. Scary....

AI generated interpretation Your dream contains various elements that may have underlying meanings related to your subconscious thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Here is a breakdown and interpretation of the key symbols and themes in your dream: 1. Massive Ship: The ship in your dream could symbolize a journey or transition in your life, as ships often represent movement and change. The size of the ship could indicate the scale of this journey or the significance of the changes you are currently experiencing. 2. Interactions with Men: The interactions with the men on the ship, where you reject one and potentially entertain the idea of dating both, may reflect your thoughts and feelings about relationships and connections in waking life. It could suggest a desire for independence and a need to establish personal boundaries. 3. Kitten: The kitten you receive in the dream may symbolize innocence, vulnerability, or the nurturing aspect of yourself. It could represent a new beginning or a sense of companionship and comfort during challenging times. 4. Reorganization of Rooms: The rearrangement of rooms by your mother may represent a need for change or a desire to revitalize aspects of your life. It could signal a period of personal growth and transformation. 5. Sitting at the Front of the Ship: This scene may symbolize a sense of danger or risk-taking in your life. Your role in protecting the little girl and the experience with the sinking ring could reflect your concerns about safety and responsibility. 6. Accidental Harm to the Boy: The accidental tripping of the boy on the stairs leading to his death may signify feelings of guilt, regret, or fear of harming others in waking life. It could suggest a need to be more mindful of your actions and their potential consequences. 7. Transformation into Another Personality: Your transformation into a different personality, resembling Will Ferrell, may represent a coping mechanism or a way to distance yourself from the guilt and responsibility you feel in the dream. It could indicate a struggle with facing difficult truths or taking ownership of past mistakes. 8. Sinking Ship and Rescue: The sinking ship and rescue scene may symbolize feelings of instability, loss, or the need for external help in challenging situations. The hat guy's experience of seeing his own death on the ship could suggest a fear of mortality or a sense of helplessness in the face of fate. Overall, your dream seems to touch upon themes of relationships, responsibility, guilt, and transformation. It may reflect your subconscious processing of past experiences, current challenges, and inner conflicts. Consider the emotions and insights triggered by the dream to gain a deeper understanding of your psyche and potential areas for personal growth.