Scarification/paralympics/looking into mirrors again

Date: 7/30/2019

By DevaJu5395

I'm in this diner with a few female friends, showing off a fresh branding on my left shin. It is a cursive M and there's a design or some writing underneath that I can't remember. One of them casually has a little jar of coke out and we're taking little licks while she's talking about training a wheelchair bound friend to compete in the paralympics. Then we leave and are driving across the parking lot to one of their cars. I reach for the visor mirror but it's broken and bolted to the ceiling. I'm trying to see if I look fucked up and I must be because I can't make eye contact with myself in the mirror. We drop one of them off and then I'm next, conveniently my aunt's house is like connected to a shopping center in the parking lot. I'm supposed to be babysitting my cousins but I don't see them. I just see a big mess all throughout the house. Then my mom shows up and I ask her if she's going to cook and start guilt tripping her for not grocery shopping lately and blowing her money on fast food and restaurants.