Date: 8/18/2020
By leusid
I was getting really emotional about the concept of truck drivers' dogs dying lmao. This was going on for quite a while in the dream. I remember at one point I full on broke down into intense sobbing. I was hanging out outside this restaurant in.. Mexico? Not sure.. anyway then I started trying to talk to some people about it. I was telling some random story about some truck driver who just had like shitloads of hounds, and apparently one of them was old and dying idek lol. I think one of the people listening was the old me, wearing that weird purple shirt with the snake and skull lol. He walked away briefly when I was in mid story but tried to stay engaged by asking me a question from the other room, but he forgot the question and then I forgot to tell the rest of the story. I was also looking down to a long straight road way down below as if the strip this restaurant was in was on the side of a huge cliff. I saw one semi truck with its hood up/dangling from maybe just one of its points of attachment with the truck. Later I saw another truck driving and its hood just straight up detached, flopped up and flew off and somehow landed on the back for a sec, then fell off and bounced off to the side of the road. The truck quickly pulled off the side of the road, apparently across oncoming traffic, and ended up in a small lake or big pond behind someone's house. For some reason none of these trucks seemed to be carrying cargo trailers, it was just the front part. Oh yeah earlier in the restaurant I'd left my water jug on the floor and some homeless people were hanging out around it, I went and grabbed it but then asked them "oh sorry were y'all using this?" And they said no no you're fine. Then later I was talking to Mike and Sheri, Mike was talking about how they had decided they were gonna be married for a long time still, probably at least until the 80's he said. I was like holy fucking shit the 80's! That's gonna potentially be a thing in our lives. Meagh was saying she didn't know if humanity would survive that long, and I was kinda like well yeah... Also Mike was in the front seat of the car in front of me, and I was absent mindedly just pulling on his long hair lol (irl his head is always shaved)