Commercial Crazy Cat Lady

Date: 4/30/2020

By leusid

Meagh was telling me about how she'd previously become a commercial crazy cat lady. It was like the beginning of a movie. She said "at first it was just" and a few eclectic cat names, then she started telling me how she got each additional one. I don't remember any of their names, nor any of the stories, except when she said "that's when I met--" It cut to a clip of this lady whose key character trait seemed to be talking constantly. It kept showing her talking, saying different things, until she was standing in an empty parallel parking spot just talking, and all these ambulances and cops started speeding onto the scene. One of them crashed right next to the lady in a close call, she noticed but basically just kept talking after briefly realizing she was okay. Then another cop drifted onto the scene and sideswiped her, the scene froze on impact. "That's how I ended up with" meagh listed off like five more cat names. I think she'd told me about fourteen cats so far. "After that, I realized people would pay just to see me" do seemingly mundane things that, again, I can't recall lol. She explained how she'd gradually turned this into a profitable enterprise. "They ended up offering me 3.4 _million_ dollars for my house and cats. You know me, I told them that wasn't enough." She talked about how that was a big mistake, I was like what they pulled out of the deal and she confirmed. She seemed to really regret missing out on the opportunity for that money. It also seemed like she didn't have the cats anymore, but I didn't think to ask that until I'd already woken up. Come to think of it, I also would have wanted to ask whether that cash would really have been worth giving up all her kitties. I'm guessing she would have named one or a couple she'd have kept with her. But I guess she'd somehow lost the cats anyway so... Lose lose situation apparently.