Roped off sleeping old folks lol

Date: 4/18/2020

By leusid

I can't quite remember this situation and it's really weird to explain, but I think it was basically like.. For some reason I had to.. okay so there were like.. Old people sleeping standing up along the perimeter of the room, but I think not quite against the walls I think there were like tables and random junk between them and the walls. Anyway and they also all had like.. this rope or belt type thing strung along in front of them, like the ones that delineate waiting lines/queues at like airports and shit. So for some reason I had to.. like hang this bar horizontally along the ropes, and I was trying to find a way to position it so it wouldn't pull down/knock over the ropes, but I was failing to do so. I knew this was going up upset the old people, and this ostensibly cishet couple woke up and I was like oh no. I know there was more to this, but all I can remember is the lady was scared and then ended up hugging the man and he tried to comfort her lol. Other things I remember from the dream were.. Playing some "Rick and Morty game" where you had to try to carry a gold ball through a path that was difficult to get through, the main part I remember was I had to go up this long shaft where panels were protruding and retracting in a dense and complex configuration, and if I wasn't careful they could cause me to fall all the way back down. Then when I got the ball at the top, I had to go back down quickly enough before the path sealed off for good. I had a grappling hook that I was making liberal use of lol. Also at some point people were.. Grateful to me for something, possibly relating to the old people? They really wanted to take me to dinner, but I was like that's okay go ahead, rain check! And they accepted. Actually idk if they were for sure grateful for something, maybe they just wanted to take me to dinner lol. All I know is I had to stick around at the function for a while and I didn't want to hold them up and also that my dietary restrictions would way overcomplicate things. Also I smoked weed with my cousin Mike, or maybe he was just offering to smoke with me? And he said something about how it's Friday and he's glad it's not Saturday. I was like what's wrong with Saturday? And he was basically like nothing but Friday has Saturday ahead of it? Or something along those lines..