"Im Alison Peele!"

Date: 4/23/2016

By thetruecall

Was playing squash with Steph Mott. After, in the locker room someone tells me this school has a swimming pool which I decide to check out. At the indoor pool I find that the surface surrounding the pool is covered in old, worn down, plastic/rubber material. Similer, I thought in my dream, to what might be used for an old track. The surface is all mismatched colors of blue pieces. As if pieces had been ripped from many blue colored tracks and melted together. The surface is uneven and maybe even moving so I am forced to walk on an angled surface with every step. I keep slipping and falling down as I walk. There is a scruffy lifeguard with wild dark hair who appears to be annoyed with the trouble I'm having. He tells me they can roll out a surface for men who need a different surface to walk safely. Apparently it is men who have the most trouble for some reason. This thick black surface is then rolled out and I was able to safely walk across it. I leave the pool and discover I am at Harvard university and I am a new student. I am nervous about being a new student and I'm not sure where things were. I remember thinking it was a shame that Harvard has diminished in size and was about to be "absorbed" by Stanford university, (as in the Harvard campus is about to become a physical part of the Stanford campus). Somehow this impossibility was an unremarkable reality in my dream. I walk up a wide flight of exterior (marble?) stairs and climb an oddly shaped column made of stacked trapezoids. When I reach the top some more experienced students, and Stephen Colbert, laugh at me and say I did it all wrong. I was unable to leave my earbud headphones inside the top of the column (huh??). I became aware of two other female Harvard students named Alison Peele and Rose Clark(?). Both of whom are average students and known as mid level actresses in the movies and/or TV. They are both known for work as in secondary or supporting roles and are never cast as a lead. They were always hoping for that lead role. Then it seemed that everybody in my dream was singing satirical chorus song on SNL about Alison Peele and Rose Clark. There was a lot of dancing and choreography in the production and the lyrics were gently making fun of Peele, Rose, and other actresses who always seem to play forgettable supporting roles. I remember the frequently repeated chorus we sang at the end of a block of lyrics. Peele would sing "I'm Alison Peeellle!," followed by Clark, "And I'm Rose Clark!" Then the dog woke me up whining because she had to go potty.

AI generated interpretation This dream seems to be exploring some of the themes of identity, ambition, and acceptance. You appear to be identifying with Alison Peele and Rose Clark, who are both average students and mid-level actresses. The dream could be exploring how you feel about your own identity and ambitions, and your desire to be accepted by your peers. The image of the pool with the mismatched, uneven surface could also be symbolic of the idea that life can often be unpredictable and difficult to navigate. The dream also suggests a fear of failure, as represented by the lifeguard who appears to be annoyed with your struggle to walk across the pool. Finally, the chorus song about Alison Peele and Rose Clark could be interpreted as a metaphor for how you feel about your own success and public image.