Posh Junk, Cat Fights and a Spot of Drunken Walking. đŸ„Ž

Date: 4/2/2020

By amandalyle

I had visited this really amazing ‘posh’ junk shop with my friend Tony and his mum. There were so many amazing pieces of furniture, I couldn’t contain my excitement. As we approached the building, it looked like it was closed. My heart sank, until one of the delivery men said “It’s fine. Come on in. We’re open.” I felt like all my Christmases had come all at once. Next scene; I had visited my friend Terri. She had moved house and wanted to show me her new place. For some reason, I had brought my childhood cat, Orlando, along with me (despite him being dead for over a decade) When I got inside, I walked over her white dining room chairs(?!) Maybe because the cats were going wild. Orlando was battling it out with one of her cats and she was trying to break them a part. I remember feeling guilty about bringing him along. Next scene; I was on a plane flying to god knows where. There was a very rude and aggressive man on the plane who kept bullying everyone and exposing their secrets. My friend, Ash, was say in the chair in front of me. He scooped up this letter she had in her hand and started to read it out in front of the whole plane. It was a letter stating her earning for her business (so very personal) If that had happened in real life, she would have wrestled that bastard to the ground, but in this dream, she sat back meekly and watched in embarrassment. Next scene; I was walking... or shall I say, stumbling drunkenly into town. Behind me, was my hot neighbour with his girlfriend. I tried to walk more soberly but failed. I heard someone giggling and hoped that it wasn’t aimed at me and my lack of ability to walk in a normal fashion.