Platform Theater Arcology

Date: 7/31/2020

By leusid

Right before I woke up, I was a queer and/or possibly some ostracized fantasy species like a cat person or something, in a story set in an even less accepting time and place. Somehow I was living among people above my class/social standing, in this place that seemed to be kinda this arcology that was a giant theater or series of theaters, and the geography was nothing but this endless series of tiny half circle platoons staggered on half steps vertically and horizontally, maybe five feet between each per axis. It was basically a 2d platformer world, and to get around you had to either climb up to or drop down to an adjacent platform. This society seemed to revolve around an endless series of theatrical productions. They kept me informed as to what shows were happening when and where, except it seemed that every time I tried to attend a show it wasn't going on. It took me a while, and I think I may have only realized this in retrospect, but they apparently were giving me misinformation, presumably to keep the likes of me out so their high society lives could remain untainted. I was upset because I knew I deserved to be there just as much as they did, and I felt determined to figure out how to really get involved there, maybe mainly out of spite now lol. At some point it switched to me observing two people navigating this arcological theater of platforms. They were climbing, one person seemed to be more experienced and helping the other along. Somebody referred to them by a weird name, which I figured must have been a celebrity-style couple mashup name, and apparently that must mean they were Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt lol. Angelina got mad and said something along the lines of "don't reduce my identity down to who I'm with!" Brad was the experienced one helping Angelina along. They were climbing upwards and to the right mainly. As they got to the very top, which was apparently a solid platform that extended horizontally endlessly in both directions, some narrator started talking about how it had been hard for Brad Pitt to climb his way up from the bottom in life. The narrator was saying things that seemed to kinda be metaphorically reflected in what I was witnessing in real time, but I can't remember exactly what was said. They were both exhausted as they dragged themselves up one final time to that top level.