Date: 9/14/2020
By EarthWarden
I was late for work and when I got there the store was a mess and the managers in rampage mode. I went up into the customer service booth which looked way different as did the store. We had little ovens where the western union computer was and I put in some cookies. Then I realized I had weed in my pocket so I hid it in a drawer. I got called to the back and on the way it started to look like I was in a sort of hospital. 2 of the managers were there and they were sad. I asked what was wrong and they motioned to a room nearby. Inside was one of our good customers on the brink of death. Three managers looked at me and said "You don't look so good. You should get tested" I went back up front and I was back in the store. There were some shelves where the registers usually are and the had covid tests on them. I reach for one and knock the shelf down which causes a chain reaction that knocks all the shelves down. Next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed being rolled down a hallway. Reaching for the test WAS the test and I failed. We approach double doors and beyond is bright white light. It is death. I panic and wake up