I'm on my porch and people are telling me I have to move out but I can't take any of my stuff. Then I'm in a big city that sits right on the ocean. I'm ...
I'm riding with my brother back to our childhood home from the store but we're the age we are now. I notice something in the sky and tell him to stop. I...
I layed down for a nap and woke up to this : I felt strange. I decided to attempt to astral project. I just popped right out and was amazed. The ho...
I'm doing laundry at what seems like a dorm but it's very cozy and there are a lot of people. One elderly lady keeps getting close to me and sniffing my...
I'm in the desert with my wife and dogs and I fall asleep outside. I wake up a while later covered in sand and have to uncover my dogs . I feel bad. ...
I ran into an old co-worker who is tiny irl but he's huge with muscles in the dream. The whole thing is a mix between a commercial about a sports drink ...
I'm in a building that is top secret in a room with someone who just died. I'm supposed to run a test but the guy gets up. His movements are very jerkey...
I'm out with friends and a few of us decide to go to my apartment to hang out. When we go in the place is a mess as if I hadn't been home in a long time...
I was on the side of a mountain that was covered in ash. I felt myself turning into a rock monster but willed myself to stay human. Then I had t...
I was in a sort of closet trying to fix a system of some sort and gas filed the room. When I came to I stumbled out of the closet and saw a lady I knew ...
I was with a group of people I don't know in real life and we were in a big, abandoned mall goofing off. I had a small animal in my hands that looked li...
I was visiting my grandma on my dads side. Everything was as I remember it when I was young except they used a buggy with 2 horses to go to town. We jus...
I apply for a job at a gas station that seems cushy and I get hired on the spot. I'm taking out some trash and notice a strong weed smell coming from a ...
I was in a house eating some chips and walking around. I decide to leave and run into my uncle outside. He said "You left all your trash inside. Is it b...
I was living in the city near the town square and I went outside because the ground was shaking. I look up and see earth which took up most of the sky. ...
I was late for work and when I got there the store was a mess and the managers in rampage mode. I went up into the customer service booth which looked w...
I was at an event held on a large balcony at the top of a high rise. I was sitting on a folding chair and the president walks over and sits on me. I tho...
I was in my house although not one I recognized and I was thinking about how I was going to pay back some money I owed to a guy. I get a knock on the do...
I was younger and with my mom and we were a long way from Texas. I look up and see a jet doing a loop chasing another plane. I tell my mom and we watch ...
Starts out I'm driving on a highway and see a bright light zoom overhead. It stops and lowers behind a building. I pull up to the building and see that ...
This dream is all over the place! Starts out at a restaurant and I'm with a bunch of friends I don't know irl. We're getting our food on trays like a lu...
-smoked a large bowl of mugwort 30 min before bed- I was part of an entire civilization that lived in giant trees. Each family has their own tree and t...
-I smoked a bowel of mugwort 30 minutes prior to going to bed- I’m back at the vet clinic and this dream lasts a whole day of work. We start with...
I was at the house that I grew up in. I was with someone that seemed like a bad guy. Next thing I know he was dead under my car. It felt extremely impor...
-smoked 2 bowls of mugwort before bed - I'm back at my old veterinary job. I'm aware that at Some point I agreed to come back but I can't remember that ...
I was sitting in a chair, hands on lap with a frog on each knee. The were making eye contact with me. I was uncomfortable. Then one of them spoke a frog...
Just started a T-break and I'm remembering my dreams again 😁 My wife and I were in Costa Rico, Jamaica or a strange mix of the two. I was waiting to s...
I was sitting with my back against a brick wall and part of it crumbled. I looked in the hole and found an ounce of weed from a dispensary. I poked arou...
My brother and I were at this old rundown resort in the woods and we were being kept there by these dudes. We tried to escape but realized these dudes w...
I was in town and a lady riding a mix between a dog and dragon landed near me and the beast pushed me to the ground. It was shaggy and black with huge l...
The dream started with me on the top of a skyscraper. There’s another skyscraper a little shorter right next to the one I’m on. On that one there are ‘b...
I was back at my old job as a vet tech and we were extremely busy. I heard the ding (reality check) on my phone and actually stopped to ask myself if I ...
I was in a room that seemed very familiar to me. I went over and sat next to a lady who seemed troubled. She started telling me how she had been having ...
In the dream I find myself at HEB and I see my mom, brother, sister and myself from when I was in the fifth grade. I realize that I had time traveled an...
This is an older dream that I never recorded but it stayed in my head - i’m walking down a hill on a rocky road and at the base of the hill is a cliff. ...
It’s kind of difficult to place exactly where this dream started. First thing I remember is that my wife and I were going to eat with my family at a fan...
In the dream I was hungry so I went to a restaurant to pick up some food. It was fast food, kind of like chicken, fries, burgers etc. outside of the pla...
The dream(from about a year ago) starts with me in the front yard of my childhood home. I look up to the north and I see a bright rip in the sky shaped ...
The beginning of the stream is a bit fuzzy because it happened a few nights ago. Basically I was in my backyard and saw something across the property in...