LUCID DREAM. I can't tell what's real.

Date: 7/12/2016

By whatdoesitfeellike

THIS IS GOIN TO BE LONG. but I could use some help with my lucid dreaming. Any advise is appreciated. I was in bed at home. I think at this point I was actually awake. But then again I could have just been asleep. I kept thinking over and over, I can't go to school tomorrow I'm not ready for the map quiz. I got out of bed and asked my mom if I could stay home. ( I thought I had actually done this. This whole time I think I'm awake.) I was laying in bed on my phone. My friends were texting me wondering why I wasn't at school. Then I get a text from Noah. (I might have a crush on him, I haven't decided yet.) He's asking me to meet him before school. Now this is one of my best guy friends, I'd do anything for him. I appear at the school and meet him in my first hour. We're standing way to close to just be friends. He's whispering something in my ear, we're talking. I was leaning on his shoulder. I kept thinking, he's just a friend. This is nice but we're not dating. Then the bell rings. I start to panic. "I can't be here! I can't take this test! I have to be at home!" I sit in my seat next to a girl who isn't actually in my first hour. I try and cheat off her, I get maybe three answers before she covers her test. I don't have any other answers and I turn it in not even half way done. The teacher collects it and I know I've failed and my high GPA is gone. I run out of the class room. I'm going down the halls when I realize everyone is staring ahead walking along. They're not talking loudly or acting like people at all. That's when I start to look around. There's a statue at the end of the hall that is way to provocative to be in a school. Then I start to get exited. I spin in place and realize this isn't my school. I'm so happy I'm laughing. I have to find someone to tell them. I run down the hall and find my friends boyfriend ( who I am also friends with) Fred. I run into him, practically crying with joy. He grabs me, "Maddie what's up?" He asks. I tell him, "I'm sleeping! This isn't real!" He looks at me confused. He is staring at me like I'm crazy, "no" he said. "This isn't a dream. This is real. Look, you're at school, talking to me." I shook my head. "No! Look at the statues, look at the students, the Windows! this isn't real, I have to be dreaming." He looks at me sadly. "I'm sorry this isn't a dream." I start crying thinking about the test I just failed. "I'll wake up and this will be over!" I shout. And still he just looks at me sadly. "That test!" I cry, "I have to go back. I can't have taken that. I'll wake up and I won't be at school, I won't have failed, I get to try again!" He hugs me at this point just holding me. "I'm sorry," he says. "Do you want me to take you to the office, you need help." He's convincing me I'm awake and I'm starting to believe it. "I'll prove it." I said. I take his hand and I'm dragging him all around the school, but now I can't recognize anything that would make this a dream. It all seems real. "I can control my dreams. I can change this," I said. But I couldn't do anything. I sat down in the hallway, it was empty because people were in class. Fred sat next to me. "I can't remember how I got here. I was in bed, and I wanted to see Noah and then I was just here." He said, "it's going to be ok. Trust me." I tuned to him and he seemed to have this look on his face of knowing something. "You know this is a dream." I accused him, "You know I'm sleeping." He said, "if this is a dream, you're going to wake up, everything will be fine. You shouldn't worry. If you're right, if non of this is real, you will be ok." I got exited, it finally felt like someone could hear me. Like I wasn't completely crazy. "Help me!" O begged, "help me change it or at least help me wake up!" He said no. He said, "this dream has to happen. You can't change it. This is how it needs to be. You weren't suppose to realize, you weren't suppose to question everything." I got to my feet, "I want to wake up!" I started running at a wall, "I want to wake up!" The moment where I would have collided with the wall someone grabbed me. It was Noah. He said, "why would you want to wake up? Your not sleeping?" Fred was gone, everything was normal. Noah took my hand and we started walking down the hall, "let's just go to class ok?" From there the dream faded into a series of other dreams like normal. I have done this before, argued with my brain in my dreams. But I've never had something like this happen. What is it? Will it happen again? I've never had to question my reality like that, and I never want to again. The scariest part? When I started getting ready for school the next morning my mom came in and said, "I thought you wanted to stay home today?"