I was waking around my house following my mom around. Thighs weren't right. The walls were in the wrong places. She was talking to me but I wasn't reall...
The dream was uncomfortable. I don't remember all the details but I remember feeling uneasy. I was being led around by a group of people. I was in a c...
Fell asleep at 2:30. I dreamt a Hard to follow slide show of different things and places. Some images I remember are Stanford University, two boys I kn...
I walked out of my house to the backyard. It was summer and from across my neighbors yard I saw a girl on the sidewalk. She was wearing jeans and tall b...
THIS IS GOIN TO BE LONG. but I could use some help with my lucid dreaming. Any advise is appreciated. I was in bed at home. I think at this point I wa...
Ok so if this is lucid dreaming then I do it all the time. My sleeping state likes to argue with me. I was having this dream the entire thing was tracin...