idubbbz teaches me

Date: 9/25/2018

By squidward

idubbbz was my teacher. i can’t remember what he was teaching me exactly, but he was teaching. we had to go to the auditorium for something. the auditorium was huge. the right half of it was already being used by another class. their class was based on concerts and they had glow sticks throughout the audience. the teacher on the stage was taking a current poll and asking the class if they thought the helpers improved anything. the teacher said that she personally thought that they didn’t help anything and they could have been better off without them. idubbbz came out to the stage and said that we were a bigger class than he thought. he got this presentation about bridges out. it was just two bridges in a side by side picture, but combined. the right picture was a grey bridge and the left was a brownish reddish bridge. he kept changing the angle on them and jay and i were dying laughing at it. he then showed him flying through a minecraft world and i remember thinking “if i were dreaming rn, this would be so funny” and then jay and i started hyperventilating laughing at pretty much nothing, he was just flying through a world and we saw a minecraft restaurant and lost our shit over it