Date: 4/6/2018
By belle7244
1. My whole family drove down to Florida and we were staying with my mom’s cousin. We got there and I saw she had two small dogs. I pet them and started to talk to everyone. A minute later I turn around and the dogs have just turned into my two neighbors, but they were acting like dogs and everyone kept treating them like dogs. They also had a rainbow parrot somewhere. Then my family was driving to Disney and my mom was spinning a wheel to decide where we were going. We landed on this place with paths surrounded by hedges and greenery. My mom hated it. We went and picked these huge blue fruits. My brother got mad for some reason. 2. It was a Will and Grace episode, but only with Jack. He went to a pet store and started talking to a bird he liked. He turned around and saw the same rainbow parrot from my last dream, but this time it was wearing sunglasses. Jack spent a long time talking to the bird and making it talk back. This dream had a laugh track too, which was kinda creepy