Date: 12/11/2018
By KayDeeKay
weird dream. end of the world Lind of set up. it starts off with a girl I meet and us traveling by foot to escape being sold into these work camps. we both had different goals, I wanted to find a place o could call home and start over, she wanted to fight. I loved her a lot though and hoped she would change her mind. she didn't and we had to split ways at one point. fast forward 10years or so. I never found a place to be safe so I was a nomad. eventually I run into her again, but she is different. at first she let's me into her group. I am traveling with two horses who are like my family at this point. I don't agree with her cult like policies and I bring up her past again about wanting to fight to help the people. she gets angry and I decided to leave and travel alone again. She takes my horses so I walk, thinking her group would just pass me on the road. when they catch up , they taunt me. she says I could have one horse back and as she gives one back to me, she kills it on the spot and laughs. I'm furious, but find a way to steal my other horse back and we ride hard to get away. I get close to a town but she catches me and Spears my other horse killing it as well. I'm running and angry crying. I get into the town and find another spear. she chases me and I stab he in the gut and once up the ass basically. she still doesn't die and the rest of the dream is me running from her and wondering what I did that made her angry and what caused her to be some cult leader. having my horses die was pretty miserable.