Child marriage (or not) on a plane

Date: 6/15/2020

By candy303

I was on a small plane at night. All the passengers were really friendly with each other and chatting. Sitting in front of me was a 7-8 year old boy who decided he wanted to marry a man on the plane, because that man could run fast. Everyone was trying to convince him that being able to run fast was not a good reason to marry someone (it didn’t seem to be a problem that the man was an adult and the boy was so young). The pilot came out of the cockpit and announced that if anyone on the plane had been treated for eel stings on their trip, they would have to get their hospital bracelet signed by her. There was a little bump and I started to panic because the pilot wasn’t in the cockpit, but she assured us that her copilot Nick was in control. A couple passengers came up with hospital bracelets and she started signing them. Scene change— I was standing on a small airstrip at night. Behind me was our plane, with a set of stairs at the door, and in front of me was a building. The building was like a cross between an airport and a gas station, and everyone from our flight was coming out. The little boy from earlier was one of the last to leave, carrying a plastic box full of pieces of fabric. A teenage girl was walking next to him, and she said, “Let’s go, or else the plane will leave without us.” —“The plane’s really fast,” said the boy. —“Uh huh. Do you want to marry the plane?” The boy thought for a second and said,”I guess I shouldn’t marry someone just because they’re fast.” Everyone started cheering because he had realized what they had been telling him the whole time. The guy he had been planning on marrying said “Oh, that’s too bad” but he looked pretty happy. Once we all got onto the plane, the teenage girl who the boy had been talking to chose the seat behind him, grabbed the box from his hands, and hit him over the head with it. Strips of fabric flew everywhere and everyone cheered again, even the boy who had just been hit.