Digital art 4k scene from a movie: A musician is faced with collecting earnings from a mysterious man with a fro after a show, but soon discovers he is actually 'The Marijuana Murderer' and must make a daring escape with the help of llamas.

'The Marijuana Murderer'

Date: 4/18/2019

By blucanary

~Guy plays a show/gig...afterwards he walks backstage. Upon entering he finds a seemingly empty room, very little light, very quiet. Near the exit door he sees the shadow of a man. The man gets up, he sees from the shadow, and comes tnrough a small curtained area. Music Dude is immediately struck w/ fear. This is the guy he's suppose to collect tonights earnings from, but he's scared for some reason and doesnt even want to approach him. He's a black guy w a big ol' fro. Fro guy sees Music Dude and asks if he wants to smoke a joint w/ him before leaving. Music Dude was still frightened but tried not to show it. "Sure man. Let me just go to my car and call my woman to let her know whats up real quick". He thought he had hid his fear well, but he apparently hadn't, bc Fro dude knew he was going to try to run. And Music Dude did just that. He got outside and ran to his car (there being only abt abt 3 or 4 cars in the back parking lot there). His was like a 1980's gremlin or something (is that what those little things are called?! I think I heard that somewhere, lol). As he's abt to reach it he sees Fro Dude casually coming out the exit, lighting a joint as he does so. Music Dude screams "I knew it was you as soon as I saw your shadow on the wall!" Turns out he's a serial killer. 'The Marijuana Murderer' or something like that. Smokes a joint w/ you and then slaughters you. Music Dude made it to his car but Fro Dude had help. He motioned to his accomplice who had been outside the whole time to close the large fence surrounding the building and thereby blocking Music Dudes only way out. Music Dude tried ramming through the gate but to no avail. So he then reversed as far as he cd, and went forward as fast as his car wd go. Just before it got to the fence, it took flight. Fro Dude/The Marijuana Murderer yelled "Cars cant fly! It's just gonna fall right back down!" and Music Dude was like "NOPE! My car does fly! Watch this!". He flew up, up, up, up. Sooo high. Through so many layers of clouds. Then he started falling. Fast, fast, FASTER, FAST!!!! But right before hitting the ground it SWOOSHED forward! Over homes and fields and lakes. When he was over the lake, The Marijuana Murderer and his accomplice, who were following from below in their own vehicle, yelled "We hope you crash into the water!" So Music Dude almost dove straight into the water, knowing that these men know nothing abt the secret underwater societies that he had ties with. But he remembered that these underwater societies only exist in the ocean where theres LOTS of water, where its very very deep, miles deep. This was only a lake. So he kept flying. It wasnt too long before he started running out of fuel. His car started coming down near an old tiny church. When it landed he got out and ran. He ran to this huge llama pen (practically in the middle of nowhere, nothing around except that church, what looks like desert, and the llama pen. Its just a large fenced in area w/ llamas inside. Music Dude has nowhere else to go. He cant outrun The Marijuana Murderer in his car. So he starts climbing the llama fence. As he's climbing the llamas are trying to attack from the other side. He gets abt halfway up. He cant go into a pen of attacking llamas. He doesnt know what to do. So M.M. (Marijuana Murderer) and his accomplice walk over, leaving their car also at the church. M.M. makes some movement w/ his head (a nod or whatever) and accomplice goes and opens the llama pen gate door. The llamas start running after Accomplice and then after Marijuana Murderer. Whatever M.M. had planned by opening the llama pen went awry. They're freaked out. They're thinking "Opes! Bad idea!" Music Dude had started climbing down bc he was going to make a run for it while the llamas were chasing the other guys. But he somehow caught the attention of one of the llamas and it ran straight towards him. He was scared at first but once the llama reached him, the llama got beneath him on the fence and allowed him to stand on his back. He realizes "These llamas want to be ridden! They're not attacking, They're just trying to get us on their backs so they can take us for a ride!" Music Dude exclaimed this news to the other two men, the bad guys, and they all bonded over 1.The fact that they weren't all going to experience death by llamas together, and 2. How cute & happy the llamas were once the guys were on their backs. This must be what these llamas had been raised for! So death to none and happiness for all, even the llamas! Yay!

AI generated interpretation This dream constitutes a vivid and complex narrative that seems to tap into various underlying psychological themes. Let's break it down step by step. 1. Setting and Characters: The dream begins with a setting that transitions from a music gig to a dark, empty room where the protagonist encounters a figure known as the "Marijuana Murderer." This ominous character represents a sense of fear and danger, highlighted by his association with marijuana and murder. The protagonist, Music Dude, represents the dreamer's own sense of vulnerability and apprehension in the face of perceived threats. 2. Fear and Escapism: The dream is characterized by an escalating sense of fear and the protagonist's attempts to escape the looming danger. This may reflect underlying anxieties or insecurities that the dreamer is grappling with in their waking life. The fear of being pursued by a serial killer symbolizes the dreamer's struggle to confront or cope with a threatening or overwhelming situation. 3. Flight and Freedom: The protagonist's car turning into a flying vehicle symbolizes a desire for escape and freedom in the face of danger. This may indicate a wish to transcend challenges or obstacles in the dreamer's life and find a sense of liberation or release from constraints. 4. Transformation and Salvation: The unexpected turn of events with the llamas signifies a shift from fear and danger to unexpected salvation and unity. The llamas, initially perceived as threats, transform into helpful creatures that offer a means of escape and even joy. This may suggest the dreamer's subconscious belief in the potential for positive transformation or unexpected help in difficult situations. 5. Resolution and Connection: The dream concludes with the characters bonding over a shared experience of survival and newfound appreciation for the llamas. This signifies a resolution of conflict and a sense of connection or camaraderie despite initial tensions. It may reflect the dreamer's underlying need for support, acceptance, or understanding in challenging circumstances. Overall, this dream appears to reflect the dreamer's internal struggles with fear, escapism, transformation, and connection. It may indicate a subconscious desire for release from anxiety or danger and a longing for unity, support, and positive change in their waking life.