The One Where I Spilled Spaghetti Bolognese all over Ricky Gervais White Shirt 🍝

Date: 5/18/2020

By amandalyle

I was visiting my friend after a long time not seeing her. She was sobbing in her kitchen and looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown. I was going to hug her but then remembered that I couldn’t. Bloody virus. So I made her some breakfast, instead. Some toast. Her daughter came running into the kitchen. Her hair had grown really long and she had these huge ringlets. I remember stroking it. Next scene; I was at a staff meeting and Ricky Gervais was my boss. He had taken a disliking to me and kept complaining that I had made a mess over his white shirt by getting spaghetti bolagnaise all over it. Sure enough, he did have Spag bol all over his once-white shirt. I apologised, even though it wasn’t me who did it. It was actually himself who was the messy eater and he was just pinning the blame on me. We had to get into teams and break into a lock by guessing random songs. Rosie was on my team, but I didn’t have a clue what any of the songs were. “How have you never heard this song?” Rosie laughed. Next scene; My friend Liz was complaining that she was unable to get a lift home. I offered to take her under the condition that she’d take a group photograph of me with all my friends. For some reason, we were sat on this huge L shaped sofa in an underpass. I posed for the picture, but Liz was too busy farting about with her phone. “Take the picture!” I called over to her. She did so, reluctantly. Next scene; I had just come back from a big night out with the girls. For some reason, we had stopped off at my friend Tony’s house. When we arrived, he was watching tv with his parents and brother (he doesn’t even have a brother?!) in the living room. He got up abruptly and told me he was going to have a bath. So I chatted to his mum, dad and brother instead. However, I got the impression that they didn’t really have time for me and were thinking “why has this woman rocked up at our house drunk?!” I walked upstairs to try to locate my friends. The house seemed to go on forever like a tardis. I walked through several bathrooms (one of which Tony was taking a bath in) and eventually reached the bedroom in which my friends were all sleeping on a duvet on the floor. They were complaining that I woke them up. “It’s 4 am in the morning!” One complained. I curled up on the end and fell asleep.