Digital art 4k scene from a movie: An individual working a unique job must entertain gen z-er's by sucking up gold coins with a feet-long straw while dressed as though in a phase of a sex change, in order to cater to the preferences of the customers.

The Trans-Job

Date: 9/5/2024

By blucanary

While on a college campus I was attending, I had received a flyer abt a job that required you to dress up as though you were in a phase of a sex change ( it had ppl on the flyer that had scars all over them, as if they had arm & leg surgeries [either replacing their arms & legs entirely or maybe adding fake muscles or removing real muscle from certain spots], scars and bandages all over their faces [having bone shaved down to look more feminine, cheek bone/muscle added, hair lines moved down, nose jobs] etc). All students who received the flyer were required to take the job. I scoffed at the flyer and said something about how ridiculous liberals can be, believing men can be women and women can be men. A middle-aged black woman standing next to me rolled her eyes and said, "Us Lie-berals don't believe that!" I found it funny that she pronounced it lie-berals instead of liberals, as though deep down she knew that the liberal ideologies are all lies. If the left in power would stop lying to the citizens and invoking violence and calling it peace every chance they got, our country and our people would truly be great once again. I told her that's exactly what the left believe. My mom, who happened to be standing directly next to her, shook her head agreeing with me ( she did it ever so slightly though, as she doesnt like confrontation with strangers ). We looked each other in the eyes and shared a silent laugh at the black woman's expense ( after that one tiny head shake, my mother was in my dream no further ). The woman went off an a tangent and I simply walked away. A few days later I found myself at that job. I remember thinking to myself, "Since I *have* to take this job, I'll just dress & look like I do every day of my life. I'll claim I'm dressed up as though I'm beyond the final phase of my change. Surgeries done, scars healed." But then I thought, "No... the ppl we're catering to are all gen-z'ers. If I don't add scars and "look the part", I won't get tips." I saw a girl with blonde curly hair there that I knew. She was standing in a circle with a group of other ppl ( ppl that worked there ) around a small pool of water. They each had their arms behind their backs, and long ( a few feet long! ), thick straws. Thick enough to suck up gold coins...which is exactly what they were doing. With the crowd of mainly gen z-er's all around them, the workers job was to not only serve them food and drinks while dressed up as though in a phase of a sex change, but in between doing that, to also entertain the customers/"audience" by playing this game. They all stand on a platform around the shallow pool that has gold & silver coins all along the bottom. Allowed only to use their mouths to move the feet-long straw, they must move it along the bottom sucking up as many coins as possible. The person who sucks up most amount of coins is the winner. When they finish the game, and the coins are being counted to find out the winner, I ask the curly haired blonde if this is what the job is all about. I tell her I got the flyer days ago, but this is my first day on the job. I say, "So you just suck up coins, huh?" She says, "yeah, that's basically it for that part" with a little giggle. I have a look on my face like, "ohhhhkay then. Let's get this over with I guess". Then over the intercom I hear something about the principal wanting to have a talk with someone. The blonde girl says to me, "I wonder who it is! Someone called the school and complained about something someone else said!" I smiled, shrugged my shoulders and non-chalantly replied, "Oh, it's me. I got into a bit of disagreement with a liberal". She and I laughed, and the dream was over.

AI generated interpretation This dream seems to reflect some underlying themes related to gender identity, societal norms, and political beliefs. The dream starts with you encountering a job opportunity that involves dressing up as if going through a phase of a sex change. Your initial reaction is to scoff at the idea, equating it with the belief that men can become women and vice versa. This reaction may suggest some resistance or skepticism towards non-traditional gender identities and the liberal ideologies that support them. The encounter with the black woman who corrects your pronunciation of 'liberals' to 'lie-berals' could symbolize a clash of beliefs and perspectives, highlighting a sense of division or misunderstanding between different ideological standpoints. Your decision to take the job and pretend to be in a phase beyond the final stage of change may indicate a desire to conform to societal expectations or norms, even if it means sacrificing your authenticity. The emphasis on catering to Gen Z customers and the need to have visible scars to appeal to them could symbolize the pressure to conform to certain standards in order to be accepted or successful in a particular environment. The game with the long straws and gold coins could represent a sense of competition and performance, where individuals are expected to entertain and engage in activities that may feel superficial or degrading. Your conversation with the curly-haired blonde girl about the job and the mention of a complaint from a liberal leading to a disagreement could reflect a sense of defiance or conflict with opposing beliefs and values. Overall, the dream may be reflecting inner conflicts or tensions related to conformity, self-expression, societal expectations, and political beliefs. It may be worth reflecting on your own attitudes towards gender identity, societal norms, and how they intersect with your political beliefs and interactions with others. It could also be a reflection of navigating challenging situations where different perspectives clash, and the need to find a balance between staying true to yourself and adapting to external pressures.