Hotel Transylvania

Date: 8/19/2018

By belle7244

A card came up that a person in an old-timey voice “A Hotel Transylvania Story”. This dream begins in black and white, as if it were an old movie. It began with a guy running near an old castle and the movie saying “This is William, one of 756 people who live at Hotel Transylvania”. He ran to the side of the building and he follows a woman. A large spotlight shines on the woman and almost gets William. William hides against the wall where the light can’t get him. He watches the woman try to run from the light. He also sees another guy running that gets caught in another light. The light hits the wall and him, but they can’t seem to see him. A helicopter flies over, keeping lights on the man and woman. This is where the dream is in color. The helicopter was green. The man who was caught was in a blue suit. It wasn’t in full color yet, the sky and ground and castle were still black and white. William, with the back of the helicopter near him, realizes they don’t see him and starts running to the back of the castle. He squeezes himself between the fence and the stone walls of the building. He runs into the entrance of a stable area. He runs past a person working on a project in a computer (it looked like an AP Psych project that i did this year, I think it had people from parks and rec on it too). He runs out of the stable and into a hall. That’s where the dream ends.