The Escapist: Acid Trip Edition

Date: 11/3/2016

By FalkorAlbelin

During last nights sleep I tried to WILD about 3 times with no results but on the bright side, my dreams are getting more vivid and well... weird 😅 The first one wasn't so bad, I met an old childhood friend and her older brother who I used to play video games with. When I saw them, the brother went to shake my hand but I hugged him and he tried to resist but nobody resists the mighty hug ✌️️I hugged other friend too and them for some reason we changed scene straight to playing halo 2 except I was looking from inside the game? But it wasn't me shooting guns and throwing grenades 😳 Okay so mark the time Jeffrey, it's getting weird.. from here I was in some sort of cave with a lot of people and I don't know why, we might have been getting treasure or something but who knows. It started to get a bit weird when we had to get over the other side of this flooded cave for something, the objective kind of changed throughout. Harry Potter was there casually, he went underwater to get this sword and as he was coming up, the drowned bodies of all his school chums were lifeless at the bottom 😰 but he didn't really mind? The next thing I knew.. BAM! We had been locked in by the dastardly other half of our party. We were trying and trying to break out but nothing was really working to lift this giant stone door. I don't recall exactly how it happened but we got out, but we were in prison now... This wasn't any old prison, it was more like a school, the only prison I've been in. Me and some old friends (which by the way, is my dream sign although I only realise when I wake up 😐), we were stuck in with blocked windows and thick grey walls. Somewhere along the line I found a compass, the pointy math kind, and started to chisel away at the walls. Eventually I got all the soft, clay-like wall from around the window and removed it but the next thing I knew the entire room was swaying in a huge storm. We were in the second floor and it was so bad that our window was hitting the ground outside, flexible stuff! We were hitting the ground right next to a guard, but the only thing we were worried about was him seeing the window was gone 😅 We made our escape from our room and traversed the grounds and halls of his prison school. Most of the doors were locked, we went past classrooms and toilets, doors that led to the outside but they all needed key cards or were fitted with alarms. Eventually we made it to a roof where there was no keycard and found a little gap with no spikes on the fence and so, I jumped! 😫 I made it outside into a park, and so did one other friend. Me and this friend ran up the road to freedom but we were being followed by a big-chinned guard! I'm not sure how but it seemed to switch to third-person at one point and we were evading patrol cars, everything was also very cartoony 🤔 I woke up just as we were about to get caught hiding behind a van.