Grandmom's Heart

Date: 9/2/2020

By jdunn36

We were driving to get home from somewhere. My dad (who wasn't really my dad) was the driver. Gram was troubled because she said her "heart enzyme" was only at 119 (or a similar low 100s number.) She was crying because she said it should be around 639. And lately she's been finding that it doesn't go up the way it should. She said that her enzyme would always jump up and come down when she watches Lord of the Rings. But last week, there was no change. She explained that meant the front part of her heart didn't have any ability to push blood anymore. So that number would just gradually go down until she died, which would apparently be soon. The guy playing my dad was hanging out the window trying to fill a syringe with medicine. The car was broken down now and we weren't moving which was putting Gram further and further at risk. I had to get out of the car. When I came back, Gram was in the front with a blanket on her holding a stuffed animal. Next to her was a stuffed animal in a blanket, holding a smaller stuffed animal. The third spot was a blanket and a stuffed animal and that was meant for me. We were all trying to find comfort as we were waiting it out.