
Date: 3/29/2020

By trevenw09

Went up to kamehameha schools with sunny. She had to go inside it was night time. I waited outside just walking around in a small field. I could see a bunch of old equipment under tarps. Parts of the grass were really overgrown. I made a clearing so when sunny came out I could take her there and be romantic. It ended up becoming night time. I had to pee so bad I ended up going on a mound of dirt. These like brainwashed kind of guards came and chased me. I ran and evaded them for awhile but eventually I had to fight. Took out my knife and initially it was too dull but I still won. Got to the doors sunny went through and I could see them inside with alarm lights flashing inside. She was trying to escape. I kept looking around the perimeter and I saw more and more guards with flashlights searching for me. A guard comes out and sees me and pulls up his revolver and I think quick and fight him with my knife and his gun jams and I kill him quick and take his gun and another guard comes out and I pull the gun up to shoot but forgot it was still jammed. The guard hits the gun out of my hand and points his at me and shoots but shoots a guard right behind me. SUNNY jumps out of her disguise as the guard and grabs Earl from behind the door and we run to her car. I slammed the door behind them and blocked it before we ran. Someone broke in and left 6 kamehameha branded insulated coffee mugs on her seat. I got Earl inside and I asked him if he was ready to fight. He was a little loopy but the pressure was on and he said yes. I handed him a knife and I said "run fight kill" and he nodded. We all get in and sunny is driving through to a parking structure and she's like wtf how are we gonna make it through and I said Idk we never make it out of this. Sunny said what?? And I said yeah this is like the 5th time we've done this in my dreams and we never make it. And she was like well FUCK and I said we could try something different this time. I told them let's try chanting "om om om om" like monks and maybe all the guards will get hypnotized and join in with us. As we are riding a long all the guards are just standing their chanting oooomm ooom and they let us pass. When we get to the ticket exit a few are smiling and they are happy to let us out and the chanting broke their evil spell. They let us leave but there's still an evil twinkle in their eyes. There were weird cones and directions on the street level and they told us to u-turn in the parking lot across the street and I told sunny fuck that so she whipped a u right in the middle of the street and I woke up.