Went up to kamehameha schools with sunny. She had to go inside it was night time. I waited outside just walking around in a small field. I could see a b...
Got a boat all prepped filled with supplies in every nook and cranny. Closer to boarding time I stormed the men's locker and showers and I shouted out "...
All marching to class long journey Get there everyone trying to find their seats. Notified by breaking news that we needed to shelter in place. High wi...
Went to this big family dinner hosted by by this guy looked like character from ghost band. Ate and talked story but I thought I knew it was a mask on...
Decided to start some classes at university again. Getting ready. Trying to get dressed couldn't find my outfit. Watched porn mom caught and tried to lo...
Humans were separated into 4 Groups. All in harmony no problems. We had tags in our chests for scanning and keeping track of what groups did what. Famil...
Hiding out apocalyptic horror Hunted down by tall large clown turns into woman with muumuu Forces us to kill things. Tells us only way to protect peop...
Spent a long day out maybe at the beach. Very tiring. Wait it was spearfishing. Shot a table boss and something else. Found a Freight elevator in the ...