
Date: 6/29/2021

By stardustzer0

I am in a skyscraper hotel on the coast of a beach’s I am in a room with Gabrielle. We are extremely high up. Maybe her brother is there too? Laying down in a bed. I look out a window and the waves are so incredibly high. It’s terrifying. They look huge from so high up so I know that they are incredibly tall. I can feel the waves break against the hotel, and I am worried the whole building will get taken down. I go down to the bottom floor. People are trying to get in from the outside and for some reason we must shoot them back. They keep coming in and I make my way up a flight of stairs and try to hide with a few other people. There is a woman who is hiding people in her room but it is too dangerous. The strangers kill her two cats and her, she trusted them even after we told her not to. At a different part of the dream i am still by the shore only this time we are actually on it. Mary is there i think, and there are some boys who have discovered a huge ocean creature called a fan, that lives in a huge cave and essentially is the cave itself. The fan makes sounds as air blows in and out which happens every time a wave crashes. At some point I am above the ocean on some sort of invisible conveyor system, moving higher and lower and closer and further from shore.