Meta Media Manifesting

Date: 5/8/2020

By leusid

Was watching a weird show kinda reminiscent of Dad Feels. We were all... On a plane? Watching together, a lot of people. It seemed like weird other shows were glitching and trying to play at the same time. Some anime came on, I was trying to figure out how to stop it, seemed like it was kinda working. But then weird fragments of other shows started playing overlayed over top of the main one, like some people just walking around through the scene as if they'd been recorded on green screen and just pasted in. They were walking through things that would have been barriers on screen in the main show and stuff. Eventually more and more overlayed people started showing up and just walking all around on screen. Finally they all kinda started heading off screen in one direction while more kept pouring into the frame. Eventually I realized that the scene behind the people had basically stopped, like it was just showing a static field, like the overlayed people were actually supposed to be the focus. I was like is this part of the show? Then I realized that the people on screen now were actually part of the world, physically interacting with/responding to stuff in the scene. The transition was seamless.. I was like was that all part of the show actually? The people all seemed to have their attention caught in the direction that the overlayed people had been exiting the frame, which was kinda like toward the camera and to the right a bit. They all rushed off in that same direction. I thought it was cool. Then suddenly a huge swarm of crazy bugs started flying onto the scene and after the people, which was also toward the camera of course. The people IRL started freaking out like the bugs were real and pouring into the room. I was like oh shit! Then I woke up to Meagh's alarm. Before all that, there was a scene OH WAIT I gotta tell this other part lol. Ok earlier I was looking through this little booklet Ciara had made as a kid. It's was reminiscent of those little like... Something and Mac? The kids books, little just paperback things that kinda just seemed like a few regular papers folded in half and stapled together lol. Anyway on one page I noticed an old woman in the background of one of the pictures was moving/vibrating slightly or flashing, her hair was like strobing between a couple slightly different ..renderings. I said "Ciara how'd you get gifs in this book haha?" She said huh? I said look this image is moving. I figured the explanation would make sense, like yeah it actually is a gif those existed back then lol. But instead, as I showed her she was like wtf. As we watching the lady she changed more she more, seeming to come to life in some sort of spastic/glitchy way. I can't remember exactly what she was doing, it was like she was warping.. teleporting and transforming all over the place. IIRC, we realized this was happening in the real world now, she was glitching all over the place and we were like omg this is some kind of magic witch or something holy fucking shit, so we like freaked out and started running around trying to show people. I don't remember what became of that, but I think we never actually got to show anyone else. Then after that, the part I was gonna talk about before lol. So...I can barely remember anymore, but it was like.. we'd been watching a show, the main character was looking at this cool tiny chair and someone asked him what he would steal it for, and the was like I would just steal it just because hell yeah. Then he was surprisingly called out by folks, like stealing is bad. It seemed like before that he'd had a good reputation, almost like a hero, so this was a dramatic shift. One person came up, they were the shopkeeper at this little shop the main character frequented. They had some kind of exchange that involved the MC basically saying of course I would never steal from you! But I remembered they had already stolen from that shop in an earlier scene, at least some small inconsequential thing, but still. I realized the MC was kind of a.. Scoundrel I guess lol, a thief and a liar. It shifted a bit and the MC and I were hanging out walking around now. She had to go to the bathroom so I was like ok, I'mma do the same while you're in there, so she went into a public restroom and I went to try to find another, I ended up in basically some big communal computers area like what might be in a library, also felt like an airport. There were bathroom stalls behind some of the computers and desks, but people were sitting at all of the desks so I couldn't get past them to the stalls. So I gave up. I ran into another friend, Udani I think. She'd been affected by MC's mischief. I think MC had left a voicemail for Udani apologizing, and I learned that she'd heard it, or maybe I saw her hear it. Right after that, MC comes out of the bathroom, sees Udani, and says that she left her a voicemail. Udani said suspiciously "oh yeah? What'd it say?". MC started explaining, and Udani interrupted her by "playfully" kicking her in the crotch lol, she saying she'd actually heard it. They laughed.