People were nice to me and I wasn’t overly paranoid about it

Date: 1/4/2019

By macyeet

So I got sick of my old high school and asked to switch schools. The new one I went to seemed small at first after going to a four story school with like 6 wings. It was on a big empty field. On the inside it was just this long hallway. Turns out the school was a lot bigger because at the end of the long hallway you could turn right and it led to another hallway. It was like a hollow square and the hallways were the sides. And the hallway doorway looked exactly like one at the school I actually go to and I was really surprised. I shouted “oh my god” really loudly but I was alone so it didn’t really matter. I was still scared that people in the classrooms could hear me. The entire dream I was just trying to look for the office to find my schedule. So I just wandered around. This girl tried to show me around but went to her class during lunch. I was worried we wouldn’t see each other again. During lunch I think I wondered around but I might have eaten this turkey roll up thing. Then I saw one of my old teachers from freshman year only he was like older and fatter. I asked him where I could find the office and he gave me his phone for some reason. It was like an iPhone 4 but it turned into a 5 or 6. I think we were outside or just in this big empty room. He couldn’t tell me but this girl walked by who said she knew I was in her next class. She looked like this girl I met at a party one time. So I followed her and she said something about how the class was just basically a whole period where you could mess with new gadgets and that today they were doing something with drones. So I followed her and this other girl she was friends with. We went up this huge but cramped staircase that had really steep stairs. I was really tired even though I was used to climbing stairs. This weird lady was knocking on a window and I didn’t let her in but she got in anyway. I figured she wasn’t supposed to be there since she was a forty year old woman so I got her on the head with a coffee can I was carrying the whole time but just realized. Nobody reacted. I didn’t even knock her out but I just left. I was telling the girls about how weird it was that this school looked like my old one when I woke up.