Date: 10/13/2020
By leusid
I was working for Donald Trump, I was eating cake and offered him some, he accepted. A female version of Clancy from The Midnight Gospel was lying on a gurney between us. My back hurt and I winced and groaned with discomfort and kinda hunched over. Tr*mp started gently rubbing my back lol, I was very tense obviously because it was Tr*mp, but I was like idk maybe he's just tryna be nice. I was lying face down, maybe on the gurney too? I think I was also kinda Clancy. Anyway that went on for a minute, then he paused for a sec, then said "alright" and slapped me really hard. I was like ow what the fuck and sat up, trying to keep my composure and move on, but it was stinging bad. Tr*mp looked very pleased with himself, staring at me with a mischievous grin. He hesitated for a sec, then declared "more slaps!" and started swinging on me again. I tried to block them while saying "what the fuck dude why are you LIKE this?!" As I said it, I started swinging back. We were fighting for a minute and he was pretty strong. I wondered if I could even take him.. But I started going ham, I was relentless. I was repeatedly punching him in the face as hard and as fast as I could, and not those slow motion dream punches, like legit punches for once. He'd stopped trying to fight back. Then I started peppering in some smashing his face into walls and filing cabinets he was whining, and getting all bloody and bruised. I realized that my face was all fucked up from something he'd done to me too, so if he tried to press charges I could maybe say it was self defense? Idk but I just kept beating the fuck of him, that's all I remember lol.