
Date: 11/6/2017

By Betaprime

I had a dream I was kidnapped by a horrible woman, she hit me and chained me up. She wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom so forced me to wet myself. One day I convinced her to let me go to the shop to get stuff me decaf coffee, sugar and beans. I had to walk through these horrible alleys to get to the shop, I got in there and got the stuff then asked the woman behind the counter if there was a toilet available and she told me there’s one on the side of the petrol station round the corner, I was busting, I was just wearing a really long top to avoid peeing on my leggings and I really didn’t want to wee myself in public. I got to the bathroom and there were several women in there taking drugs and vomiting on the floor, impossible for me to go in. I decided to try the disabled, the urine had already started to flow and the toilet was at the other end of this room that seemed a mile long, red urine started pouring out of me and it went on for ages, I pulled my leggings over by soaked legs and walked outside the toilet, I saw the evil woman coming towards me, at the same time my boyfriend appeared behind me in the car so I jumped on and told him to drive, then I woke up.