I had a dream last night me and my friends Rach and becca all had superpowers like Eleven from stranger things and we could control wind and water. We s...
I took my rabbits to my mums, when getting out of the car they somehow managed to escape. I started searching the nearby woods and cane across loads of ...
I had to take my bunnies to University and everyone was really happy to see them. I had to go to the toilet so put them back in their carrier. (Backgro...
I had a dream I was kidnapped by a horrible woman, she hit me and chained me up. She wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom so forced me to wet myself. One ...
Me and my boyfriend Ads we’re in a restaurant with my little brother dan and we were sat catting to another family anyway I was looking out the window a...
Found out my boyfriend was messaging loads of girls, he kept claiming they were tutors. Found a womans clip in our bedroom and asked him who’s it was an...
In my dream I was daenerys and had two dragons left (rip viserion), Richard Osman (the tall presenter from Pointless) was trying to sedate my dragons so...
Had a dream my boyfriend and I had baby boy and it was well cute. I tried to keep him a secret but it got leaked on social media. My ex found out and de...
Had a dream that I rescued 4 cats: a tiny kitten called bambino, two adults (can't remember their names) and an old cat (jasper) that were gonna be pts....
I'm a Bioveterinary science student and I had a dream the head of my course told me off for having purple and blue hair. I explained that several vet st...
I think I had a dream where I turned over on bed and my boyfriend shoved me like full force. It's possible it actually happened tho
So me, my boyfriend and my sister were made to play this game like jumanji in the front room. We weren't allowed to pee until it was finished, it took a...
In my dream my alarm went off so I woke up, it's 4.45am
Had a dream me and my boyfriend were having sex, he sneakily took the condom off and I got pregnant
Had a dream I was getting out of the shower and looked down to see a set of testicles but no penis, worrying as irl I'm female