Date: 9/12/2018
By noofku
This dream was yesterday night. Hopefully I remember enough to tell this. First off, behind my home is a large wooded area. Now! I was in my living room except it was very large. Tom Cruise, who is my father In the dream, tells me to run. I suddenly panic. I run downstairs and out my back door, down toward the woods. I get to the wood edge and it is surrounded by a high wooden fence. I grab the top and easily pull myself up and over quickly. I run deep Into the forrest, turn left and come to an opening. Men are walking in with guns. I turn around and run the opposite direction. I guess I'm midway in the woods now and here is another, much taller fence. I climb up a tree, jump over onto the fence and just jump over. Below me I see as I'm falling is loose gravel with wood under it. I hit it and break through and fall into a maze like basement. I pick a direction and take off. Light ahead! Men start coming in. Turn around and run another direction. I run so far I see a wooden wall and just run straight Into it, breaking through....and I wake up