Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Dall-e, create an image of a serene forest clearing with a hidden axe buried under a tree stump, surrounded by colorful flowers and butterflies fluttering around.

The Axe Murderer

Date: 11/12/2019

By blucanary

I Found out a guy murdered someone w an axe. He did it in the mobile home park next door. He accidently told me, let it slip. His friend then showed up who was an accomplice to the murderer and told the guy that he now had to "take care of me". But dude was like "No man, she's my friend". I hardly knew the guy. I wd hardly call us "friends"; saw him come into my work a few times, but I was always really nice to him. I spoke up saying that my lips were sealed. Dude finally agreed bc I was being so nice and calm and everything. Inside though I was absolutely freaking out. After they left I kept questioning whether or not I shd tell someone. Even if they were sent to prison they cd still hv someone on the outside murder me. Or what if they broke out?! It's happened before, although it is rare it isn't as though it's completely unheard of!! Or once they served their time and got out... I'd have to get protection. Change my identity and everything. And even then I'd still be forever looking over my shoulder. Not saying anything though made me a coward. A worthless pathetic coward. God would be disappointed in me. As if I haven't disappointed Him enough already. I wondered who they killed... I prayed it wasnt a child. Then I saw the news. A little girl next door in the mobile home park had been found w/ an axe in her head. No, not a little girl. A damn BABY! She was barely two years old! They had sexually molested her before murdering her. I was so scared. I knew if I told even one person, that person wd make me go to the police! If I said anything at all my life would drastically change. But I cdnt live with myself not saying anything.. I was so afraid....

AI generated interpretation This dream is filled with fear, guilt, and a sense of helplessness in the face of a disturbing and violent situation. The presence of the axe murderer symbolizes a threat to your sense of safety and security. The fact that the murderer accidentally confessed to you suggests that you may feel burdened with knowledge or secrets that you are not sure how to handle. The internal conflict between wanting to protect yourself by keeping quiet and feeling guilty for not speaking up reflects a sense of moral responsibility and the fear of the consequences of taking action. The idea of the baby being sexually molested and murdered adds a layer of deep emotional distress and horror to the dream. The fear of repercussions, even after the killers are caught and imprisoned, indicates a lack of control and a persistent sense of danger and vulnerability. The feeling of being judged and disappointed in yourself by a higher power, such as God, suggests feelings of inadequacy or guilt in your waking life. Overall, this dream may be reflecting your fears of being unable to protect yourself or others in the face of violence and evil, as well as your struggle with morality and responsibility. It might be helpful to explore these themes further in your waking life to address any underlying anxieties or unresolved issues.